Part 14

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Damon took a deep breath before knocking on Tessa's door. She didn't looked amused when she opened it and saw him standing there.

"I was hoping we could talk," Damon said hopeful.

"And I was hoping you were my Chinese food guy. Bye," Tessa said sarcastically before starting to close the door on Damon.

Damon stopped the door and held it tight so she couldn't move it.

"I know what you did to Emma," Damon tried to keep his tone non-threatening, "she doesn't have anything to do with it. You have to undo the spell."

"No way," Tessa shook her head, "it was my fail safe if you backstabbed me, and you did."

"I wouldn't have if I knew what you had done!"

"That was the point, but I'm still trying to see where this is my problem."

"She is dying! One big spell from Silas and she is done for. My guess, if Silas tries to destroy the Other Side, that's more than enough."

"She is too weak for him to use her as a battery, that's the point of the spell."

"So he doesn't even know that he is siphoning from her?" Damon asked.

"Nope. Besides, I can't undo the spell, it's bound to Silas. Only way to end it is to kill him."

Damon thought for a moment, "You know Amara right? Brown eyes, brunette? Stole your chance at love?"

"What about her?" Tessa sounded intrigued.

Damon smirked, "Well, she took the cure, she wants to die, and we have her."

"She's alive?"

"For now," Damon shrugged, "Silas is literally on his way to kill her. He's completely obsessed with destroying the Other Side so that he and Amara can live happily ever after in the great beyond. Man, you were right about these doppelgängers. They do always end up together. So how does that make you feel?"

"Like I want to shoot fireballs at Silas and drown him in acid," Tessa said angrily.

"That's what I thought. So how about we make a deal?" Damon stepped into Tessa's house, he wanted to lure Silas to him, "So, here's my pitch. In order to keep the Other Side in place, you need something to anchor the spell, right, something powerful, like an immortal being powerful. Now, Amara was obviously a great choice until she downed the cure. So, would you consider someone who's dead but stuck on the Other Side a viable candidate?"

"An anchor swap?" Tessa asked for clarification, "Emma would be ideal."

"Except she is currently too weak and the only way to break your spell is to kill Silas,"Damon smirked as he pointed out her flawed idea, "so either you can fix Emma or you just wont. But either way, I've got a volunteer."

"Your friend Bonnie? I'd be making a ghost, a human toll booth between our side and the Other Side, giving her the power to interact with our physical world and the supernatural purgatory."

"Yeah, what's the problem? Other side stays and you help me kill Silas, Emma is back to normal."

"I need a massive amount of power to do a transfer spell like that; and Emma is too weak."

"Poor planning on your part really," Damon smirked, knowing he had the upper hand, "any other options? Better think fast. Amara is on suicide watch."

"I need something to draw on. The moon's not full, I don't think there's a worthy comet for another couple billion years. Doppelgängers. They're powerful, mystical, naturally recurring."

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