Part 40

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 Emma slipped her new Phoenix ring on the middle finger of her right hand and sighed in relief as she felt her power dissipate slightly. Damon stood behind her frowning, he wasn't pleased that she had hid her true fear from him.

Emma turned around with a smile to look at him, but it fell as soon as she saw his face, "What's wrong?"

"Just wondering where your engagement ring is," he lied.

"Uh," Emma thought for a moment, "it must still be at Ric's apartment. I took it off there, it's probably sitting on the coffee table."

Elijah looked up from where he sat across from Emma, "You two are betrothed?"

"Nowadays they call it engaged great-grandpa," Damon let out an annoyed huff before looking back at Emma, "we'll go pick it up later when we go to the Grill for dinner."

"So when is the big day?" Elijah asked just as Caroline walked through the front door.

As soon as she heard him ask about the wedding, she perked up and grinned widely, "Does this mean the wedding is back on? We can start dress shopping now?"

"Caroline..." Emma put her head in her hands and let it fall back against the couch, she already knew Caroline was a forced to be reckoned with when it came to planning.

"Oh good!" Caroline looked at Elijah excitedly, "You have to come with us! You have impeccable taste and Emma doesn't, so I need back up."

Emma raised her head and glared at Caroline, "Seriously!"

Damon let out a slight chuckle at the situation Emma had found herself in.

"I have some time before my flight. I'd be glad to help," Elijah smiled at Emma, "as long as it's okay with the bride."

Emma shrugged, "Fine by me. But I still get veto power."

"Ugh," Caroline rolled her eyes, "fine. Let's go!"

"Wait, what? Now?" Emma shook her head.

Caroline grabbed Emma's arm and pulled her off of the couch, without her power, Emma was weak against her, "You heard the man, he has a flight to catch!"


Caroline grabbed another dress off of the rack and placed it onto the ever growing tower of dresses. Emma sat on the velvet chair in the center of the shop with her arms crossed. Elijah looked at her amused.

"Maybe we should just go row by row and have you try on every single dress in the shop," Elijah smirked.

Emma looked at him annoyed, "Don't give her any ideas."

He grabbed two flutes of champagne off of a tray that was being held by a shop assistant and handed to Emma as he sat down next to her, "You have to admit you are a little excited for this. It's every girls dream."

"By the time I was old enough to understand what romance was I was almost a teenager and so engrossed by hunting that I didn't bother fantasizing about any of this," Emma sipped her champagne.

Caroline hung up three dresses on the door to the changing room and motioned for Emma to join her, "Let's start here."

Emma reluctantly stood up and followed Caroline into the dressing room.

Caroline unzipped the first clear bag that held the first dress and pulled it out as Emma began to undress to her underwear. Caroline helped her step into the dress and then laced the corset back for her.

Emma stepped out of the dressing room without looking up at Elijah, once she was on the small pedestal and facing the mirror, she allowed herself to glance up. She blushed slightly as she caught a glimpse of Elijah behind her with a large smile on his face. Emma finally allowed herself to look at the dress on her in the mirror.

"Oh, Em, you look beautiful," Caroline gushed happily.

Seeing herself in a wedding dress was a foreign idea to Emma, but to see it now, it was bittersweet. Emma swallowed hard as she pushed down the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm her. Between Elijah creating her mother's garden in her dream for her and this moment, it was hard not to miss her family.

Elijah sensed her sadness, he stood up and stepped up next to her, "What's wrong darling?"

"Nothing, I...uh," Emma cleared her throat, "I just think I don't think I like this one, maybe we should try another."

Elijah nodded, not believing her, but letting it go for the time being. He held out his hand to her and helped her down off of the pedestal. Emma joined Caroline back in the dressing room, she already had the next dress ready to go.

After five dresses, Emma was emotionally exhausted. Hiding her pain was becoming almost impossible. As she looked up at herself in the newest dress that Caroline had picked out for her, she let out a slight gasp. It was a fifties inspired dress. She had to quickly wipe away a tear that had escaped faster than she could catch it.

"Em," Caroline looked at her concerned, it was clearly not a tear of joy, "what's wrong?"

"It's just...this looks like my mom's dress," she explained, "she got married in my grandmother's dress."

Elijah stood next to Caroline, "So, perhaps this is the dress then? You look stunning."

A shop assistant stepped up next to Emma with a veil in her hand and a huge smile on her face, ready to make the sale, "Let's get you accessorized to see the total look."

"No," Emma shook her head sadly, "this isn't the dress either."

"I really think you just need to see it all before you make a decision," the assistant insisted.

Elijah turned the woman so she faced him, he looked her in the eye, "Go away and help someone else. Leave us alone."

"Wow, that was rude," the woman stuck her nose up and turned on her heel before stomping away from them.

"Did you just try and compel her?" Caroline leaned in and whispered to Elijah.

Elijah looked perplexed when it hadn't worked, "Yes, I did."

Caroline stood up straight, "Maybe my mom had Matt slip vervain in the coffee at the Grill again?"

"Yeah," Emma agreed hesitantly, "I'll ask him later. I'm gonna go take this thing off."

Emma stepped down and walked into the dressing room. Caroline began to follow behind her, but Elijah stopped her.

"I have an idea," he whispered, "but I need you to find a picture of Emma's mother in her wedding dress."

Caroline grinned widely, her eyes sparkled as she caught onto what Elijah was suggesting, "Give me until the end of the day."

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