Part 20

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 Damon dragged Aaron down the long hallway toward the classrooms, "Which one is it?"

"That one," Aaron shakily pointed out the door to the biology classroom.

Damon shoved Aaron towards the door and nodded for him to open it. Aaron stepped inside first, followed by Damon and Stefan. Inside was dimly lit.

"21051," a voice, very familiar, greeted them.

Damon let out a quiet gasp in disbelief, "Enzo?"

Enzo kept his eyes locked on Damon as he stood up and began to walk towards them, "It's been awhile, mate."

Damon tensed up in response and it didn't go unnoticed by Stefan, "Who the hell are you?"

"Lorenzo, but my friends call me Enzo. Ah. Kidding," Enzo began to glare at Damon, "I don't have any friends."

Enzo offered his hand to Stefan to shake, but Stefan didn't move. Enzo scoffed at his lack of simple manners.

"Enzo's another Augustine vampire. Our cells were next to each other," Damon squared his shoulders and turned back to Enzo, "so we're here to meet somebody; Wes Maxfield. You know him?"

Enzo pretended to look hurt, "That's your first question for me? Not 'How are you? How'd you survive in that fire I left you to die in?'"

"Uh, does someone want to explain to me what the hell is going on?" Aaron asked, confused by the lack of Wes.

"I'd love to. Have a seat. Been waiting seventy years to tell my story," Enzo sat behind Wes's desk and motioned for everyone to sit in the student's desk in front of him, "Damon and I had been locked in those cells for years, tortured, beaten, humiliated, but we weren't gonna let them break us, no. We decided if we're going to escape, we needed to work together."

Stefan wasn't in the mood for a history lesson, he stepped outside into the hall to call Wes Maxfield, "Where the hell is Emma?"

Wes was confused by the entrance of a new player, "This isn't Damon. So who is this?"

"We have Aaron and we are trying to figure out how we want to kill him," Stefan was undeterred by Wes's confusion.

"Funny. I have Emma, and I'm wondering if she is able to regenerate like a vampire," Wes smirked as he called Stefan's bluff, "touch him, and you'll never see her again."

Stefan gritted his teeth at the thought of Emma in pain, "That threat works both ways."

Stefan hung up on Wes. He took a moment to collect himself in the hall. His need to help Emma wasn't only atonement for what he had put her through when he took her sister's life. She had helped him in too many ways to count. Supporting his brother without question, fighting nonstop for his family, and even offering herself when he needed help in one of the most confusing times of his life. And now she was destined to become a part of his family. He owed her so much.

Stefan stepped back into the classroom and looked at his brother, anger in his eyes, "He's not sending her."

"Tragic," Enzo showed no empathy, "now can I finish my story?"

Damon waved off Enzo and looked at his brother, "Does he not understand that we have Aaron?"

"He doesn't care," Stefan looked at Aaron, almost feeling bad for the kid, "he is willing to risk it."

Aaron sat up, visibly upset, "What? Let me talk to him, he'll listen to me."

"What part of, 'he doesn't care' are you not registering?" Damon ran his hand through his hair, a habit he was picking up from watching Emma do it so much to calm her nerves.

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