Part 33

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Emma continued to try and pull the anchor bolts out of the wall. Her hands were red and raw from holding onto the iron chains and not being able to heal properly due to the iron that Wes had kept pumping into her. She let out a grunt as she pulled on it with all of her weight. The pain in her hands became too much and she had to let go.

"Aah!" Emma let out an infuriated scream as she threw the chains down.

A voice she recognized came from the next room, "I see you have a new pet."

"Elena?" Emma stepped as close to the door as the chains allowed and began yelling for help as loud as her lungs would allow, "Elena! Help me! Elena!"

The door slid open to reveal Elena in front of her.

Elena smirked at Emma, "Not a chance, but I'll give Damon your regards when I see him."

"What!?" Emma couldn't believe what was happening, "Are you out of your damn mind! Help me!"

"As a matter of fact...she is, in fact, out of her mind," Elena continued to smile at Emma.

Emma looked Elena up and down, she knew there had been something different about Elena's behavior, but now she saw it. There was evil in her eyes, her posture was more confident and cocky.

Emma let her head fall back as soon as she realized how hopeless her situation was, "Katherine."

"Bingo. Looks like you are more than a bird brain," Katherine turned away.

She walked over to Wes who seemed to be extracting something from a tube and starting to run it through a centrifuge.

Emma suddenly became more desperate to get free of her chains and began frantically pulling on them.

Wes handed Katherine a syringe and motioned over towards Emma, "Do me a favor, would you?"

Katherine super sped over to Emma and stabbed her with the needle before Emma could react and try to fight her off. Emma fell to her knees, her breathing heavy as she watched helplessly as Katherine smiled at her as she closed the door to her cell.


Stefan stepped up to Damon's cell and looked in on his brother who was quietly sitting in the corner, biding his time until he could break free and find Emma himself. He looked up briefly at Stefan before turning his attention back to the wall.

"News on Em?" He asked in a monotone voice.

"We know that she is close, but something is blocking her from being tracked by a spell," Stefan answered.

"And Elena?"

Stefan let out a sigh, knowing that he should have listened to his gut and his brother sooner, "Is Katherine."

Damon stood up and walked over to the small window, "I should have smothered that bitch when I had the chance."

"Right. So this whole little tantrum you've been throwing, with the murder spree, almost killing Jeremy, putting Emma in danger, getting yourself infected with a ripper virus, that was all a reaction to Katherine," Stefan ran his hand through his hair, feeling guilty for some of it.

Damon leaned against the stone wall, so mad at himself that he felt like he could explode, "Yup."

Stefan reached up to his mouth and bit his wrist, letting the blood pour into a cup. Damon turned to face him as soon as he smelled the blood. As soon as Stefan set it on the window for him, he snatched it and drank it quickly, trying to get as much out of the cup as he could.

He looked back up at Stefan, "I need more."

"Too bad."

"My flask holds more fluid than that!"

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