Part 42

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 Damon came sauntering into the kitchen with a note in his hand. Emma set down the cup of tea she had just made and looked over her shoulder at him.

"We think we know where Markos is," he waved the piece of paper in his hand around before handing it to Emma, "the address in Elena and Stefan's sexcapade dreams is here."

Emma looked at the paper confused, "This was my address when I lived here with my parents."

"Well," Damon stole a sip of her tea, he gave her a disappointed look when he noticed there was no booze in it, "lets hope that's a coincidence and not anything to do with your powers."

"No kidding," Emma huffed out a sigh.

Damon handed her back the tea, "Get yourself ready, and prepare for anything. We are leaving in ten minutes."

Emma chugged the hot tea before sprinting upstairs and running into the closet of her and Damon's room. Inside was her armory.

The day that she painted a protection seal on the outside, Damon almost fainted. The armoire was an antique and he was pissed to see spray paint on it, even after Emma had explained herself.

She threw it open and pulled out her crossbow, slinging it on her back before grabbing her quiver of arrows. She pulled open a drawer and pulled out a few trinkets that would be able to stop the witches from being able to mess with any of their heads. She closed everything up and headed downstairs.

Enzo looked at her like she was crazy when he saw her, "What the hell is all that for?"

"Witches," Emma tossed a sachet necklace to him and then one to Damon, "put that on. It should stop the witches from being able to voodoo either of you; but I'm honestly not sure if it will work on the undead."

"Yeah...I'm not using this," he tried to hand it back to her, "these are Travelers, not witches."

Damon understood why she was taking so many extra precautions. After what had happened with Wes, he knew she was going to be jumpy and wary. He grabbed Enzo's arm and pushed it back away from Emma.

"Just trust her," Damon pressed his lips together and gave Enzo a look that told him to stop.

"Fine," Enzo begrudgingly threw the rope necklace on, "but what the hell is the crossbow for? You have magic!"

Emma slung the crossbow around so she was holding it in her hands, she quickly dispersed an arrow into the barrel; she aimed it right at Enzo's chest.

Enzo quickly put his hands up, "Okay, okay, I get it. Arrows good, Travelers bad."

Emma pulled the arrow out of the barrel and placed back in its quiver and putting the crossbow back in its holder on her back. She led the way to the car and hopped into the passenger's seat.


Damon pulled the car up the curb across the street from the address that Elena had given them. He looked over at the house, searching for any signs of life.

"So this is your childhood home?" Damon looked over to gage Emma reaction to being there, she seemed fine.

Emma nodded, "Well, until I was eight anyway."

"Let's do this," Enzo leaned up, anxious to face whatever awaited them.

The trio made their way up the steps of the house. Damon opened the door and tested the entryway with his foot. It went past where the barrier should have been.

"Huh," he said slightly confused, "all clear, I guess no one owns the house."

"At least not legally," Emma shrugged and stepped inside ahead of the men.

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