Part 51

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"The witch is on board," Emma told Damon over the phone, "well, we had to give her some motivation. So if she wants to see her brother again, she'll help."

"You killed her brother, Luke?" Damon sounded surprised.

Emma glanced at Caroline, "More like Caroline beat me to it, but yes, Luke is on the Other Side."

"Everyone in the car can hear me?" Damon asked.

Emma pulled the phone away from her ear and hit speaker, "Yup."

Elena and Caroline perked up to listen while Liv sat uncaring.

"Right, so class is in session," Damon announced to everyone listening, including Jeremy and Matt who were with him, "first assignment, anti-magic perimeter. Gilbert, whatcha got?"

"I walked around Mystic Falls this morning to see where my hunter instincts disappeared," Jeremy began.

Damon interrupted, "Meaning what, your biceps shrunk, and your brain got smaller?"

Emma could almost hear Jeremy's eyes roll, "Meaning that I have a supernatural urge to kill vampires, so wherever I hated you less, there was no magic."

There was some paper rustling in the background on Damon's end of the call.

"The cemetery's outside of the no-magic perimeter, a couple of un-populated areas other than that," Damon pointed out.

"Hey, Professor Salvatore," Caroline called out from the front seat, "not everyone can see the map."

"I kinda like the sound of Professor," Emma could hear the smirk in Damon's tone, "hey, Em, do you think-"

"Speaker phone!" Emma reminded him before he could make more of an ass of himself.

Elena sighed, "Don't forget about us."

"Yeah Donovan," Damon turned the blame else where, "you had one job. Send the map to the girls."

Matt scoffed, "I'll send it now."

After a moment Caroline's phone dinged and everyone was able to see the map now.

"We should be there," Elena complained.

"No, you shouldn't be. You are on witch duty because without crazy-locks, no one's rising from the dead," Damon reminded her, "so next order of business, mass murder. Quarterback?"

Matt lifted another map onto the desk they were working over.

"OK. We got these from the Sheriff. Apparently there was some truth to her evacuation story. There's a major gas line that runs underneath the town. Now if it did leak, it could be deadly, as in massive explosion kind of deadly," Damon explained.

"We can't blow up our hometown," Matt seemed worried.

Damon rolled his eyes, "Says one of the only people left in this group who can actually live there."

"We aren't blowing it up, Damon," Emma tried to calm everyone down before it became a massive argument, "we just need to lure them to one spot."

"How?" Caroline asked, "We can't lure anyone anywhere while we are stuck out here."

"And that's where your mama comes in. She will convince them to gather somewhere inside. Meanwhile, these two geniuses at seven o'clock, will turn on the gas, let it leak. We'll have about 10 minutes before anyone can smell it. You clear out. Boom! Travelers gone, resurrection spell starts, loved ones return," Damon sped through the rest of his plan, "good? Good? Class dismissed."

Elena continued driving them to the graveyard. It had been agreed that that would be the best spot to set up for the spell; just on the border of the magic line. Emma, Liv, and Elena walked into the Salvatore crypt where Bonnie was working to learn to Traveler's spell to teach Liv.

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