Part 29

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 "I don't like you," Enzo glared at Emma as she popped herself up on a counter in Dr. Wes Maxfield's lab in Richmond.

Emma shrugged nonchalantly, "I'll let you know when I give a damn."

Damon let out an exasperated sigh, tired of hearing the two go back and forth.

"So what do ya say?" Enzo turned to Damon, "Paper, scissors, stone for who gets to give Dr. Frankenstein his fatal blow?"

"Nah," Damon leaned against the counter next to Emma, "he's all yours."

"Don't tell me you're having second thoughts? Your little bird is getting in that head of yours mate," Enzo frowned at Emma.

"Keep it up Baby Spice," Emma flashed her eyes orange.

She jumped down off the counter and led the way into the next room. She stopped in her tracks the moment she saw a group of people. They began chanting.

"And you are?" Damon looked confused.

"Well, that is Czech they are Travelers?" Emma guessed.

"Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner," Wes stepped out in front of them, "they're my back up."

Damon and Enzo dropped to the ground, holding their heads in pain.

Emma raised her hands, ready to start setting the room ablaze. Wes raised a small dart pistol and shot Emma in the neck with syringe dart, injecting her with concentrated iron.

"Son...of a...bitch..." Emma gasped as she fell to her hands and knees.

Wes moved to inject Damon with something, before he could, Emma used the last ounce of her energy to throw the smallest fire ball at Wes's face. He screamed as he fell to his knees, his face burnt badly. Emma fell to the ground unconscious.

Wes managed to keep a hold of the syringe in his hand, he reached for Damon and shoved it in his neck, "Good...luck...making"

One of the Travelers stepped forward and picked up Emma, taking her out of the lab and out of sight. Damon fought against the pain the others were still inflicting on him to get to her.

"Let her go!" He roared in anger as he continued to fight.

Another Traveler stepped up to help Wes to his feet and pulled him out of the laboratory.

The rest kept chanting to keep the vampires at bay until each one of them was safely out of the room. Damon let out a sharp gasp as the pain finally released him.

"No!" Damon struggled to get to his feet.

Enzo stood and helped Damon stand up, "What did he stick you with?"

"I'm gonna kill him!" Damon ran towards the door he had seen them leave out of.

Enzo caught his arm, "Damon! What did he inject you with?"

"I don't know!" It was clear that Damon only had one thing on his mind.

He let out a hopeless sigh, he knew that they were all long gone now, and Emma with them.

"What I can tell you, if he stuck me with that cannibal vampire poison, we might have a little problem," Damon pressed his lips together at the thought.

Enzo looked confused, "What kinda problem?"

"Wes has this sick little scheme to destroy vampires by making them feed on each other," Damon informed him.

From somewhere else in the lab, the heard someone banging around. They looked at each other before following the noise.

Inside another room was someone chained to the wall, the newly turned vampire was fighting to free himself. He looked up as soon as they noticed Enzo and Damon standing in the doorway.

"Can you get me out of here?" The young vampire asked.
Damon hesitated, unsure if helping the vampire was a trap or even a good idea. He decided to help and pulled the chains off the boy.

"Thanks," the boy rubbed his wrist, "I owe you."

Damon took a step back from the boy as he suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to feed on him. His fangs descended and his eyes darkened, he felt himself begin to salivate.

"What's happening to you?" The boy asked, the fear in his eyes wasn't helping Damon hold back.

Damon stepped closer to the boy, "I'm going to go ahead and say 'karma.' Karma is happening to me."

Damon rushed forward and latched onto the boys neck, making quick work of drinking him dry.

"Damon? Damon, stop!" Enzo began to panic as he saw the boy's head roll off of his shoulders and onto the floor, he looked at Damon, worried he might come after him, "Okay, I can see how this might be a problem."

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