Part 22

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 Emma and Damon were in the kitchen, laughing about Caroline's insistence to plan their wedding for them.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not really in a rush," Emma giggled.

Damon took her hand and kissed it softly, "You sure about that? Some of the things we do behind closed doors should probably only be done by married women."

He turned her hand over and began kissing her wrist, gently grazing it with his teeth. Emma gasped at how surprisingly sensual it was.

Emma hummed, "We could just go to the court house today and be done with it."

Damon's head popped up from her wrist and his eyebrow raised, "Be done with it? Really? That's kinda harsh."

"I didn't mean it like that and you know it," Emma teased, "I'm just saying it doesn't have to be this massive event that Caroline thinks it should be."

Damon smirked, "I mean, I've already seen you in a wedding dress before."

"Yeah, one that would be considered antique today," Emma winked.

Damon grabbed Emma around the waist and pulled her into him, "I will have you know, that as an antique myself, I am priceless."

Emma giggled as Damon's phone began to ring.

"We need to start shutting off our phones," Emma huffed.

Damon smiled at her and ran his free hand gently through Emma's hair, "What's up Stef?"

As Damon listened to what Stefan was telling him, his brow furrowed. Emma reached up and touched his cheek to get his attention, trying to find out what had him so concerned. Damon looked down at her and kissed her forehead to reassure her before he continued his conversation with Stefan. When he hung up he took a deep breath.

"So, Katherine had a heart attack," Damon kept his eyes down, trying to process how he felt about it, "they don't think she is going to make it much longer."

"Woah," Emma whispered under her breath.

Damon nodded, "Yeah, really."


Stefan had brought Katherine back to the boarding house at her request; she refused to die in a hospital. Emma and Damon watched as he carried Katherine upstairs, followed by Katherine's daughter, Nadia. She was stoic and disassociated.

Damon had taken it upon himself to throw a small party with everyone that had a bone to pick with the soon-to-be late Katherine.

"Rule number one: Name the worst thing Katherine Pierce has ever done. Rule number two: Toast to the glory of her impending death. Rule number three: If you come across something that's worse, which you will, repeat rules one and two. She pretended to be buried in a tomb for one hundred and forty-five years, while I waited for her lying ass," Damon picked up one of the many shots that he had poured for everyone and quickly downed it, "Wait...Does that beat pretending to be Elena and kissing me on the front porch of your old house?"

"Seriously?" Emma rolled her eyes, "No."

Jeremy laughed, "Yeah, I agree with Em here, I don't think so."

"I don't think so either, damn," Damon picked up another shot and downed it anyway, "quarterback, your turn."

"Uh..." Matt took longer than Damon was willing to wait.

"Think on that," Damon handed a shot to Jeremy, "little Gilbert, you're up."

"She fed me to Silas and I died," Jeremy drank his shot, "Then, she made me crash my car into a pole and left me and Emma for dead."

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