Part 44

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 "What's the matter?" Enzo sneered at Emma when he noticed that she wasn't fighting against his grasp, "There's no gumption left in you. No flicker of a fight."

Emma continued to let her head hang, defeated, "You can't kill me."

"Oh, don't you worry, I am well aware of that," Enzo smirked as he continued to drag Emma along side of him, "I want to take another little tour of the Augustine labs, don't you?"

When she heard the word Augustine, Emma seemed to come to life. She began to struggle against Enzo's grasp.

"There we go!" Enzo exclaimed, amused by her futile fight, "There's that little fireball I like so much."

"You son of a bitch!" Emma screamed at him as she finally broke loose of his grasp.

She stumbled backwards and fell into the grass and began clambering to get away from him. Enzo jumped on top of her before she could get very far. He wrapped his hand around her neck and began to squeeze, cutting off her airway.

"Ya know," Enzo smiled cruelly as Emma stared back up at him while she struggled against his hold again, "I don't get why Damon likes you so much. I would picture him with someone more...submissive. Although, I suppose lately you've been very, very weak."

Emma began to see spots and her head began to feel fuzzy as the blood became constricted from her brain and each attempt to take a breath was denied. Enzo watched uncaringly as her eyes closed and her heart stopped beating.

When he heard the last soft pump of her heart, he let go of her neck and stood up.

"Get away from her!" Stefan yelled as he squared his shoulders, ready for a fight.

Enzo almost seemed amused to see him there as he stepped away from Emma's body, "Where is your big brother Stefan?"

"I don't know," Stefan began to walk towards Enzo, "guess I found you first."

Stefan had reached where Enzo was standing. Stefan grabbed onto Enzo's jacket and threw him into a nearby car. The car door looked as if it had been t-boned by another car.

"Ouch," Enzo stood up and brushed himself off, "hope it's insured."

Enzo got the upper hand on Stefan and slammed him back down onto the car. Stefan tried to catch his breath as he slid down the car and sat on the ground, blood dripping down his face from a cut on his head.

"Bet you wished you'd murdered me back when you had the chance, but Damon would have been furious. I think it's time we both stopped coddling him," Enzo looked down at him, he punched a hole in the car where the gas tank was, gasoline began pouring out and onto the ground, "Now where is my lighter? Maggie's lighter, I should say. I wonder what she'd think of all this. Of course, who knows what lies in the great beyond for a mere human like Maggie James? Probably nothing. It's probably just as well she's not watching this. I believe it might upset her."

Enzo flicked the lighter until it ignited, he smiled down at Stefan.

"Shall we burn together, you and I?" Enzo mocked him, "Or perhaps just you."

In a last ditch effort to stop Enzo, Stefan reached up and shoved his hand through Enzo's chest, grasping onto his heart and squeezing. Enzo let out a sharp gasp.

"My brother sees something good in you," Stefan looked up at Enzo, "even Emma saw something good in you. She trusted you!"

"Don't you? Isn't there a part of you that thinks I can be redeemed?" Enzo looked at him, emotionless.

Stefan shook his head, "Not with your emotions off. You won't stop until you kill Damon or find a way to kill Emma."

"Better yet, wouldn't it be a sweet piece of revenge when Damon finds out you killed his best friend?" Enzo smiled cruelly at Stefan, "Have fun sorting this out with your brother."

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