Part 15

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Everyone spread out in the house to search with no luck. They all met back in the foyer.

"Stefan and Amara are gone," Damon gave his report when everyone met back in the foyer.

"That's because Stefan took her," Elena crossed her arms in frustration, "you have to go find him before he gets himself killed."

"No way," Damon argued, "he is luring Silas away so we can finish this. Distracting him from using more of his magic. Stefan will be fine."

"He's hurting. Damon, he's not thinking clearly. Okay, Silas may have been the one that put him in that safe, but we were supposed to get him out of it. Please go find him. We can't lose him again," Elena pleaded.

"And I can't lose her," Damon looked desperately at Elena as he motioned towards Emma whose heart sounded weaker with each beat.

"I'll have Tessa continue the spell," Elena promised, "you have to go finish this. Stefan can't kill Silas on his own."

Damon looked at Emma conflicted. He couldn't stand the thought of leaving her here without him, but he was useless to make her situation better unless he killed Silas.

Dean stood up, "Sammy you stay here with Caroline and Emmy. Damon, let's go kill that bastard."

Dean took his gun out of its holster and checked how many bullets it had before re-holstering it and walking out the door. Damon took one last look at Emma, a look that he hoped wouldn't be his last, before following him.

Dean lead Damon into the woods, "Use your vampy ears and find them."

Damon clenched his jaw in annoyance, but listened intensely for anything that would lead them to Stefan and Silas. He caught wind of arguing and started to run towards it with Dean hot on his heels.

As they reached the section of the woods where the commotion had come from, they spotted Stefan holding Silas against a tree in a heated battle. Amara was tied up just beside them.

"Remember me? I remember you," Stefan growled and shoved Silas harder, squeezing his hand around his throat tighter, "I'm sorry, is it hard to breathe? Is your throat closing? Did the fear of dying start to creep in yet?"

Silas was able to move his hand just enough to send Stefan flying back, Stefan gripped his head in pain as Silas started a mental attack on him.

"I hear every emotion is heightened for a vampire. All those memories must be eating you alive right now, Stefan. What's it like to die? I've never done it. You must have done it a thousand times over this summer," Silas taunted him as he picked up his knife.

"Silas!" Dean's voice boomed as he aimed his gun towards the original doppelgänger, "Stop!"

Silas looked at Dean and dismissed him almost immediately. He waved his other hand towards Dean and sent both him and Damon flying through the air.

"I've spent two thousand years alone in a tomb. You were locked up for what? Three months? Look at you! You're a mess. The safe was the easy part, wasn't it? Being forgotten about, that's the real torture, isn't it?" Silas continued his mental assault on Stefan.

Dean sat up and aimed his gun at Silas, "Hey asshole!"

Silas looked at Dean with just enough time to register the gun firing, clearly he had forgotten about not being an all powerful immortal. Dean's bullet hit Silas in the chest and he fell to his knees, gasping as the life drained out of him. Damon breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Silas breathe his last breath. He knew if Emma had been able to hang on for this long, she would be okay.

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