Part 37

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Caroline pulled her car up behind Stefan's at the abandoned train yard. Both girls got out and walked over to him.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Stefan questioned.

"As sure as I can be," Emma shrugged.

They began to walk together, further into the train yard, everyone on their guard for any attacks.

Caroline tried to keep the mood up, "So how did informing Elena on everything go? Did you tell her about Aaron Whitmore yet?"

"Damon said he wanted to tell her himself, about that and...about her almost ruining his relationship with Emma."

Caroline scoffed, "When?"

"'Hey Elena, I killed your friend Aaron, but you almost destroyed the single greatest thing in my life, so I guess we're even.' Doesn't exactly lead itself into the conversation," Stefan semi-joked.

Emma couldn't stifle her laugh at Stefan's bad impression of Damon.

"I could just tell her," Enzo walked up behind them and joined the group, "I was the one laying the road to make him stop his car."

"So, what's in this for you, aside from getting Damon to undo every positive decision he's ever made," Stefan motioned towards Emma.

"Is it such an anomaly for Damon to have a friend?" Enzo asked and Caroline, less than subtlety, nodded her head, "if that's the case, consider me honored."

"So where is the antidote?" Caroline demanded.

"What's in this for you?" Enzo shot back, "Clearly you hate Damon."

Caroline rolled her eyes and huffed, "My two best friends are kinda attached to his psychotic ass, so I'm forced to at least try and care about him."

Everyone was suddenly on high alert as they noticed they were being surrounded by Travelers. Emma looked around, readying herself for the attack that seemed inevitable.

One of the Travelers boldly stepped closer to the group.

"Who the hell are you?" Stefan questioned her, his voice tense.

"I'm Sloan. And you met some of the travelers when they were taking a bucket of your blood," Sloan motioned towards the rest of the group.

"Oh yeah. How could I forget?" Stefan sounded sarcastic, "So, you have the antidote to the ripper virus, correct?"

"We do, thanks to Enzo," Sloan confirmed.

"I was trapped in that bloody farmhouse with Damon, set to have my head ripped off, when out of nowhere, Wes showed up with the travelers and saved my life on the condition that I owed him one," Enzo explained, "he was running low on vampires and he needed one to continue his work, so I let him experiment on me. Among other things, it allowed him to make an antidote. That was why I couldn't help you that day little bird."

Emma looked at Enzo, her eyes wide.

"When he died, the travelers took it. Giving it to you is a sign of good faith, that when the time comes, you won't stand in Markos's way."

Emma gritted her teeth, she didn't like this, "That depends entirely on what Markos wants."

Stefan placed a hand on Emma's shoulder and pulled her back towards him slightly.

"What needs to be done?" Stefan asked.

Sloan smirked, "First we have to find something. Another you."

Stefan looked at Sloan confused, "Another me?"

"You never stopped to think there might be another doppelgänger running around?" Enzo scoffed at Stefan's ignorance, "Clearly, you don't know your traveler lore."

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