Part 25

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 "Please don't make me come to this party," Emma complained as Matt drove both of them back to the Lockwood mansion for the welcome home party Matt was throwing for Tyler.

"First of all, you need to let loose," Matt smiled at her as he drove, "secondly, Damon can't enter the house without my permission, which he will not be getting, so its the best place for you to hide out."

"He can't get into Alaric's right now, he hasn't been there since it was signed over to me," Emma argued.

"Tyler's house is bigger. At Ric's he can just yell at you through the door."

Emma groaned, she knew he was right. So far she had been lucky evading Damon and everyone but Matt. She held her breath as she watched from Alaric's window when she saw Damon walking in to the Grill. If he had turned around he would have seen her bike in the parking lot of the apartments, just like Matt did, and known where she was. It was only a matter of time before he tracked her down. Emma jumped down from the truck as soon as Matt parked. The party was already full blast inside. Drinks flowing and attendees dancing.

"Oh god," Emma turned around away from the house and started walking as soon as she spotted Elena on the porch, waiting for Matt to let her inside, "I'm outta here."

Matt caught her arm as she rounded the front of his truck and started dragging her with him, "No, come on."

Emma protested, "Matt, I'll probably kill her if I get anywhere near her."

"Then I'll let you in the side door and you can go upstairs," Matt changed his direction, "away from everyone, just like you wanted anyway."

"Fine," Emma started walking next to Matt instead of being dragged by him.

They entered a side door that led into the kitchen. Once inside Matt pointed towards a set of stairs and pushed Emma gently towards them.

"I'll let the vampires in and then I'll come up, I promise, okay?" Matt smiled reassuringly at Emma.

Emma nodded and walked up the stairs.

Upstairs, Emma wandered around. She walked over to the banister that overlooked the main room where everyone was dancing. Tyler was dancing with someone who wasn't Caroline and Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes in a shared frustration with her friend. She hated that they broke up, but understood Caroline's reasoning; he chose a grudge against Klaus over her.

Matt found her upstairs, just like he had promised. He handed Emma a flask of hard liquor.

"I would have brought you ice cream and chick flicks," Matt smiled at he as she took a swig, "but something tells me you're more of a drink until it stops hurting type of girl."

Emma took another swig, "I've never had a break up, but, that sounds like something I'd like to do right now."

"You never had a boyfriend before you moved here?" Matt asked surprised.

"I made out with the high school badass once at a party," Emma smirked at the memory, "does that count?"

Matt looked like he was debating in his head for a second, "Not really, you should have made out with the quarterback."

"By the time I found one that wasn't a pompous dick, I was already dating a different pompous dick," Emma smiled, but looked at the ground as she realized her own self deprecation.

"No way, we are not heading down that road," Matt pulled her arm, "we need to go get drunk and party."

"Hey, I'm working on it," Emma let herself laugh lightly as he pulled her down the stairs and towards the dance floor.

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