Part 8

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Emma rolled over in the bed and expected to find Damon lying next to her, but he was gone. She sat up and looked around the room to find him.

"Damon?" She called out, knowing that if he was in the house he would hear her.

Within a minute he was walking in the door to their room from the hallway, "Hey gorgeous."

"Where did you go so early?" Emma rubbed her eyes and brushed her hair away from her face.
Damon looked at her confused for a second and then laughed, "Early? It's almost noon, sleeping beauty."

"Holy crap! Seriously? Why didn't you wake me up?" Emma jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom in a rush.

Damon looked unbothered as he followed behind her, "You looked so peaceful, and the past few days you have been spreading yourself thin trying to be there for everyone while they are grieving. You deserved some time for yourself."

"Speaking of everyone, I told Matt I would have lunch with him today."

"A date with Donovan," Damon clicked his tongue as he scoffed, "Em, if you're gonna cheat on me, aim higher."

Emma grinned widely and winked, "If he's lucky I'll let him walk me home after, maybe I'll kiss him in the door way at the end."

Damon spun Emma around and pulled her into him while wrapping one arm around her waist and letting the other cradle the back of her head and intertwine with her long, red locks of hair. He leaned in and started to gently kiss her before he deepened it and used the bottom of his tongue to tease her bottom lip and bite it lightly before he pulled away.

"Let's see Donovan do that."

Emma opened her eyes and smiled at Damon, "I love you."

"I love you too," Damon kissed her quickly one more time before turning to leave, "have fun with wonder boy."

Emma rolled her eyes before turning back to the mirror to get herself ready. She quickly pulled her hair up and brushed her teeth, she tossed on a pair of jeans and a Shinedown t-shirt before she strapped on her Doc Martens. She took the stairs two steps at a time before she grabbed her helmet, keys, and leather jacket off of the entry way table and headed out.

Somehow she managed to beat Matt to the Grill and sat down at a table to wait for him. He was five minutes behind her and smiled as soon as he spotted her, taking the chair across from Emma.

"Hey Matt," Emma smiled back at him, "how is your hand?"

Matt looked at his bandaged hand and flexed it slightly. He had injured it during one of his blackouts.

"It's okay," Matt sighed, "I-uh...haven't been able to bring myself to look over the footage I recorded yet."

Emma understood why he didn't want to watch the recording yet, it was scary enough know it existed, "I'll come over if you want and help you look through everything."

Matt smiled softly at Emma before he reached across the table with his uninjured hand for hers and held it tightly for a moment before letting go.

"I actually brought it with me," Matt took out his laptop from his backpack.

Emma patted the chair next to her and scooted over slightly. Matt moved to sit next to her and opened up the computer. He sighed deeply before hitting the play button.

At first everything seemed normal. Matt was just sleeping on the couch. Emma watched intently as Matt's phone began to ring and he sat up to groggily answer it. After a brief 'hello', someone said something that the camera microphone didn't pick up, but suddenly Matt's eyes flashed black and Emma sat back in shock. He began to speak to whomever was on the phone in Czech. After hanging up, Matt looked directly at the camera before standing up and grabbing the same knife that he had shown Emma off of a side table. Looking at the camera again, Matt stepped closer and addressed himself.

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