Part 43

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 "Hey, what are you doing here?" Stefan asked when he looked up from studying with Elena and saw Emma walking into the college bar as Whitmore.

Emma sat down at the round table, "I haven't heard from Caroline, at all. So I'm exhausting all leads before I raise the alarm."

"Huh," Stefan started to suggest he help but Bonnie sat down at the table before he could say anything.

She plopped down in the chair next to Emma, looking exhausted.

"You okay?" Emma looked at her concerned.

Elena crossed her arms and sat back, "She's in denial."

"I'm not in denial," Bonnie bit back, "the other side is disintegrating. As the anchor to the other side, I'm only alive as long as there is an other side. I'm perfectly aware of the threat of my impending death. There is nothing I can do about it. It's called acceptance, fifth stage of grief. Look it up, tutor guy."

"Yeah," Stefan smirked, "definitely in denial."

"Look, Bonnie. I've already lost you once. We're not doing this again. It's not an option, ok? Not to mention what's gonna happen to Alaric and your grams and everyone else over there. So what are we gonna do?" Elena asked.

Emma tensed at the mention of Alaric and she felt her heart harden against reacting. She hoped Bonnie had a plan.

"Fine. If you guys promise to stop hovering, I'll ask Liv if she has any witchy ideas," Bonnie sighed, "besides, don't we have bigger problems with those Travelers trying to take over Mystic Falls?"

Bonnie stood up and walked over to the bar where Liv was working.

"Oh, Damon's already on that," Stefan looked at Emma, "you should go help him. I'll check on Care and find out what's going on."

"What do you think is going on with Caroline," Elena asked.

"Nothing that I know of yet," Emma twirled the Phoenix ring on her hand nervously, "I just cant-"

Emma was interrupted by Enzo turning a chair around backwards before sitting at their table. She looked at him warily, something was off about his demeanor.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked aggressively.

Enzo scoffed, "I can't join my friends for a cup of tea?"

"Damon, your friend, uh, singular, isn't here, and we're a little busy right now. But by all means, have a seat," Stefan rolled his eyes.

Enzo put his arm around Emma, resting his arm on the back of her seat, "Oh I'm sure I have more than one friend."

"Piss off Ginger Spice," Emma scooted her chair away from him.

"No need to be rude. I've come here for a chat," Enzo smirked as he looked at Emma, "little bird, did you perhaps fill everyone in on the fact that I've been searching for someone I once knew, a woman named Maggie."

"The elusive girlfriend from Augustine," Elena informed him, "Caroline might have mentioned it."

Enzo leaned back in his chair as he began to explain just who Maggie was, "Maggie worked there as an observer, taking notes on my behavior. She never got too close, never took off her vervain bracelet, but we spent hours and hours talking, and we developed an attachment. Now she left in 1950. I imagined her one day teaching at one of these fancy universities, starting a family, living her life to the fullest. I'm sure you can all appreciate that."

Emma began to feel nervous, something about Enzo seemed unhinged.

"That Traveler girl, Sloan, gave me this yesterday, making good on a promise. From the Augustine files left behind by our good Dr. Wes," Enzo placed a file on the table and slid it towards Stefan with a wicked smile, Elena's eyes went wide as she looked at the photo of a woman's corpse with her head ripped clean off, "yes, imagine how I felt when I saw it. Turns out Maggie died in 1960 in Mystic Falls. Someone tore her head right off her body."

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