Part 21

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Stefan had followed Aaron to his dorm room and waited impatiently as the boy searched the paperwork that Wes had given him.

"Hurry up!" Stefan commanded.

Aaron shook his head as he pulled out a large portfolio style file, and handed it over, "Here."

Just as Stefan was looking down at the files, Aaron decided to be bold and pull his gun filled with wooden bullets on Stefan. Stefan looked up, unimpressed and dropped the file just before he sped directly at Aaron, shoving him against the wall harshly, making Aaron drop the gun.

"You want me to kill you? I'll kill you," Stefan bared his fangs at Aaron.

Aaron seemed unfazed, "Do it. I'm dead already. Damon's been planning my death since before I was born."

Stefan retracted his fangs, "What are you talking about?"

"Damon left out the best part of the Augustine story, the part after he escaped."

Stefan thought for a moment before he released Aaron and stepped back, making sure to kick the gun far away from Aaron's grasp, "Talk."

"It wasn't enough for Damon to kill the doctors who tortured him. He had to torture their families and their future families. He spent the last sixty years killing every one of my relatives except he's a psychopath. He leaves one alive so that they can continue the family line so that he can destroy future generations of innocent people. So go ahead and do it, kill me because I don't want to give Damon the satisfaction, so do it," Aaron closed his eyes, accepting of his fate, "Do it!"

Stefan eyed Aaron, "Not all of us are like my brother."

Stefan bent down to pick up the file again.

Aaron took a deep breath and stepped over to Stefan; he turned to a certain page in the file, "This is everything Wes gave me on Augustine. I saw Elena Gilbert's last name on a few pages. Maybe it will help you find Emma."

Stefan looked through the file, he recognized an address as the old Gilbert family medical practice almost immediately. He tucked the file under his arm and ran for the door, leaving a very confused Aaron behind.


Emma gasped as life flowed back into her body. She was covered in dried blood. All the wounds that Dr. Maxfield had inflicted on her were healed, but she still felt weak.

"Subject 69499 has shown that she is able to regenerate completely from death, similar to subject 12144. As before, a fluctuation in temperature was recorded just before subject reached full alertness," Emma heard Wes speak into his recorder just before he stabbed her with another syringe of iron.

"Gah! Asshole!" Emma spit at him.

"How many of you are there?" Wes asked.

"Lucky for you, I'm one of a kind."

"I drew some of your blood to see how it would react with my current project," Wes moved over to a file, "it mutated. I think it will work."

"Yeah, can we dumb that down a bit? Ya know, for the non-biologist in the room."

"I'm going to turn you into the ultimate monster hunter."

Emma let out a laugh, "I got news for you jackass, I already do that on my free time for fun."

Wes looked at her confused, " are friends with vampires."

"I'm sleeping with one too. Do you want all the dirty details of my private life? Would your perverted mind like all the raunchy details? Oh I know, we can put on a chick flick, pop some popcorn and swap stories about our boyfriends!" Emma snickered at Wes's disgust, "Oh, I like this game. Getting under your skin."

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