Part 23

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 Damon couldn't help but smile as he entered the room where Katherine lay dying, she seemed to be in some sort of trance. He stepped over to the side of the bed and touched her arm and looked into her mind. Inside he saw her crying over her mother's body, the room covered in blood, the rest of her family dead around her. Clearly this was Klaus's doing in a sick form of revenge.

"Well, now I know why Emma's ancestors fled to Scotland," Damon studied the handiwork.

"Damon?" Katherine looked up at him confused, she slowly realized what was happening, she wasn't in her old home in the late 1400's, she was in a dream.

"I hate to admit it, but I miss Klaus. The way the guy could torture you," Damon couldn't help but laugh to himself, "the sword in daddy was a nice touch."

"Get out of my head!" Katherine almost growled at him.
Damon smiled coldly, "So tell me how this slaughter went down again? Oh, that's right. Klaus was going to kill you in a blood sacrifice and you, being you, ran for the hills. Only to come back to find your entire family had been massacred. So, if I'm adding this up right, your family's entire death was all your fault."

"No, no," Katherine pulled her mother's body close again as she fell back into despair, "no, no."

Damon let go of her arm, having done what he wanted, torturing her more. He looked over to a seat near the bed, a small pillow was on it; he thought for a brief moment before picking it up and starting to raise it over her face.

"Hey, Liz is here with..." Emma walked into the room, followed by Sheriff Forbes, she stopped as soon as she saw Damon standing over Katherine, "Oh..."

"Put the pillow down, Damon," Liz let out an exasperated sigh, "if you kill her, it's murder. I'd have to bring you in, lock you up and then there's all that paperwork."

Damon threw the pillow across the room angrily, "Every single bad thing that I have ever done, it can all be traced back to her. She turned me into this, she taught me how to kill, how to manipulate, how to lie. She ruined me, and I can't take any of that back."

Emma reached out for Damon's hand, letting him know that she was there for him, no matter what his past held. She knew that he struggled with his past just as much as Stefan did, but he would never let anyone but her know that.

"Look at how much control she still has over you, Damon, prove her wrong," Liz looked at her friend sadly, before she handed Emma a small package, "here are the sedatives from the hospital."

"I don't want them," Katherine protested weakly as she began to gain consciousness, "they make me weak, and when I'm weak, he can get in my head."

Damon smirked and motioned towards his head threateningly.

"Suit yourself then," Liz was unbothered by Katherine's choice and turned back to Damon and Emma, "are you still looking for Matt? Any word from Stefan or Elena? I'm surprised you're not out there tearing the forest up Emma."

"Yes, and no," Emma answered both questions in order before she began to hesitate.

"Little birdie over there lost control of herself and tried to kill my daughter, so everyone got scared and decided to leave her here to burn the house down, hopefully with her beloved Damon inside," Katherine smirked.

"So are you killing her or can I?" Emma asked Damon as she scowled at Katherine, letting her eyes flash the brilliant orange as a threat.

Damon grabbed one of the syringes from the table that Emma had set them on and hastily jabbed it into Katherine's arm, "That will shut you the hell up for a while."

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