Part 9

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Emma sat shotgun as Dean drove and Sam sat in the back, switching between books about European covens and something that they had released recently. The only thing he would talk about with Emma was when he found something relevant to Matt's issue, but when it came to any of their problems they were both mum. With how emotionally exhausted she was, she wasn't willing to fight it at that moment. All that mattered for the time being, was that Dean was back to normal after removing the Mark of Cain.

As they passed the state sign showing that they had entered South Dakota, Dean pulled his Impala into a gas station just off the main road to gas up for the rest of the trip. Emma scooted across the car into the driver's seat and smiled up at Dean as he tried to get back in.

"Nope, no way, move the hell over Emma," Dean denied her quiet request.

"Oh come on!" Emma whined, "Damon lets me drive the Camaro all the time and I've never let anything happen to that car."

Dean crossed his arms and stared down at her impatiently, "I'm not your boyfriend, so I have no reason to impress you by letting you drive my car."

"Dean, come on!" Emma continued to argue as Sam began snickering from the backseat.

"So help me God, Emma," Dean grunted angrily, "I will yank your ass out of this car and you can call Damon to come get you. Then you can drive his car all the way back to Mystic freakin' Falls."

Emma glared at Dean for a moment, calling his bluff, until her started to reach for her. She screamed and quickly moved back over to the passenger seat.

"That's what I thought," Dean sat down in his seat possessively and started the car, "tell you what Emmy, if I ever get a motorcycle, then you can drive that."

Emma smirked, "Dean Winchester on a bike, not a chance."

"Exactly," Dean said annoyed as he pulled the car back onto the highway.

Emma suddenly realized something, "Hey, wait a minute, you didn't give me a chance to get any snacks or cherry cokes."

Sam snickered again from the backseat.

"You were too busy with your little shenanigans to ask," Dean gave Emma a side eye with a smirk, "you snooze you loose."

Emma stuck her tongue out at Dean before she turned around and snatched the journal that Sam was reading out of his hands.

"What the hell Em?" Sam complained instantly.

"I'm bored and, who knows, I could help you solve this darkness issue you have," Emma started reading.

Dean yanked the journal away from Emma and handed it back to Sam, "You don't need to worry your pretty little head about any of that. Sam and I can take care of it. Just worry about your buddy Matt's problem."

"I'm an all powerful being, Dean," Emma sighed as she sat back in the seat, "I can probably just set it on fire or something."

"Awfully cocky for someone who should have been able to turn that Silas asshole to ash already," Dean smirked at Emma.

Emma crossed her arms and looked frustrated, "I haven't been able to get close enough without him zapping me with his psychic crap. Now that his link to Stefan is severed and his power doesn't work anymore, he is dead as soon as I find him."


Dean pulled the car into the long driveway that lead up to Jody's property. Jody lived on a decent piece of land on the edge of the small South Dakota town, in a little ranch house. Right in front of them Jody and one of her girls was getting out of their car, having arrived at the house just seconds before them.

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