Part 12

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Dean sat next to Emma as she lay perfectly still on Jody's bed. Her hand was held tightly in his and his leg bounced nervously up and down. Quietly he was humming Metallica to her. He kept running the fight in his head over and over again. He was sure that Beesome never got a swing on Emma, so what had caused her to collapse?

Briefly he tried to think of who to call. Damon would want to know that something had happened to Emma, but Elijah knew more about the Phoenix bloodline. He also trusted Elijah a fraction of a percentage more.

The decision was made for him when Emma's phone began to ring. It was Damon.

"Hello," Dean answered the phone.

"Dean?" Damon was confused when it wasn't Emma who answered, "What's going on? Where is Emma?"

"She uh- something happened to her. She collapsed last night in the middle of a fight, and she hasn't woken up," Dean told him.

"Oh," Damon didn't seem to totally understand what Dean meant, "so she just needs a minute to regenerate then. Have her-"

"No Damon!" Dean stood up, unsure where to place his anger, "nothing happened, she just went down and she hasn't woken up. We don't know why."

Damon was quiet for a moment, "Last night?"

"Yeah, do you know something?" Dean was ready to place the blame on the vampire.

"No," Damon was quick to counter, "look, I can be there by tomorrow morning-"

"Don't bother, we are going to bring her back to the bunker in Kansas and see what the hell is going on. We can swing by you on our way and pick you up," Dean informed him before hanging up.

After hearing how Damon had acted on the phone, Dean was sure he had something to do with what was happening to Emma. He pulled her hand back in his and began humming again, this time he hummed Nothing Else Matters, her favorite.


In the living room Claire was bombarding an exhausted Sam with questions about Emma's abilities.

"What stuff can she do?" Claire asked.

"Uh," Sam rubbed his face to wipe away the tiredness, he hadn't stopped looking for answers since they got back to Jody's, "mostly fire magic."

"Is she a witch?" Claire continued.

Sam shook his head, "No."

"Claire, leave him alone," Jody pleaded from the kitchen.

"Well, what kind of monster is she?" Claire asked.

"She isn't a monster!" Sam snapped before realizing what he had done and lowered his voice, "she isn't a monster, she is just Emma; and Emma is a Phoenix."

Claire sat down and shut up, realizing she had pushed too far. Jody stood up and walked over to Sam, sitting down on the couch next to him. She gently rubbed his shoulder, trying to show him that he had support if he needed it. Jody was just as concerned about Emma as the boys were, but she was better at controlling how she showed it. While Sam was sleeplessly looking through every resource he had with him and looked ready to scream, Dean was keeping watch over Emma and willing her to wake up while desperately praying for Castiel to come save her. Castiel seemed to be either busy or ignoring them all together.


By the afternoon, Dean was beginning to pace at the foot of Jody's bed while Sam was looking for a summoning spell to force Castiel to come help them.

Dean looked up when he saw Emma's hand twitch slightly, it the first sign of life that she had shown. He quickly stepped over to her side and grabbed his hand in his. Emma gasped as she sat up and opened her eyes, panting as if she had just run a marathon. Dean pulled her into his arms as Jody and Sam came running in to see what the sudden commotion was.

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