Part 24

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 Damon couldn't help but smile to himself as he took the stairs up from the basement two at a time with a blood bag in his hand. He pulled open a cabinet and grabbed the first glass he saw before pulling out the tubing on the bag and pouring it into the tumbler. As he turned around to walk back into the library where he had been helping Emma and Caroline look at places to host the wedding, Elena appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, blocking his way out.

"What's up?" He asked, his guard down as he took a sip from the glass.

"Not a lot," Elena shrugged as she walked slowly towards him, "I was about to head out to Whitmore."

"Cool, see ya around," Damon tried to step around Elena, but she put her hand on his chest and stopped him.

"Do you ever think about it?" Elena closed the space between herself and Damon, "When know..."

"You betrayed your friendship with Emma by hooking up with me when I couldn't remember anything," Damon pushed Elena away gently, "the only thing I think about is how to make that time up to Emma."

"By marrying her," Elena challenged.

Damon nodded and pursed his lips, "Is that what this is about? You're jealous that it's her and not you? I got news for you Elena; even when I couldn't remember her, I was drawn to her, so really it was only a matter of time anyway. Now if you would excuse me, I have a wedding to plan, before Blondie does it all for me."

"You're not going to marry her," Elena smirked as she closed the gap between herself and Damon again.

"Well, the size of that rock on her finger says otherwise," Damon smiled down at her, before frowning, "what the hell has gotten into you anyway?"

"I miss you, Damon," Elena reached up and forced Damon down to her level and pulled him into a kiss.

Shocked, Damon didn't react for a moment except to drop the glass in his hand, it shattered on the floor. Elena had never been this bold before. Briefly he thought of Katherine, this was something that Katherine would do, but he dismissed the thought quickly; Katherine was dead. Elena continued holding Damon to her as she kissed him.

"Damon, Caroline insist we go dress shopping first so we know-" Emma came bounding around the corner with Caroline hot on her heels, she stopped dead as she looked at the scene before her.

Caroline let out an audible gasp and froze next to Emma, "No."

Elena pulled away from the shocked Damon and sped out of the house before Emma had time to react. Damon looked at Emma and saw the pain in her eyes, her worst fear realized, again. Anger replaced the pain and her eyes turned a burning orange.

"No. No, no, no," Damon's eyes went wide and he stepped towards Emma, "Em, that-"

Before he could get more than two steps, Emma raised her hand and sent a wave of heat towards him that was so hot even Caroline took a step back from the residual heat. Damon fell to his knees and let out a groan in pain.

As soon as Emma heard his pain, she relented and put her hand down. Before Damon could catch his breath she was already running out of the kitchen and out to her motorcycle. Caroline glared at Damon as they listened to Emma's bike start up and take off away from the house.

"Seriously Damon!" Caroline yelled at him, "You can't use the lack of memory excuse this time around!"

Damon was quick to defend himself, "She kissed me!"

"And you didn't shove her ass off? Like, are you actually that stupid? We were literally just planning your damn wedding!"

"You think I don't know that? Again, she kissed me! I was in shock that she was bold enough to do it in the first place."

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