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Hey guys.

I just want to give a quick trigger warning for the rest of the book, without saying too much, this is more of a redemption book more than it is a romance book. From this chapter onwards it's going to get really intense with some scenes of violence but there is an important message in the end.

I am saying this for the sake that i dont want people to be 4/5 chapters in and to tell me that God is not evident in the book lol, you guy's already know how my books need patience but hopefully its all worth it. The book is rated mature for a reason (theres no smut scenes or anything lol dont worry)

Just remember this is a redemption story and redemption comes through difficulties and in different forms, i wont say much more on that...

With that being said it is your choice to continue reading on or not, (which i hope you continue to read) but i want to let you know there will be scenes of violence ahead, if you're not prepared to wait until the end for the message I suggest that you pray on if this book is for you or not , but for those who are willing to be patient for the message get ready for intensity!

Enjoy You deserve better!

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