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Dante, exhausted from the journey, dropped his suit, tie, and clothes, and headed for the bathroom, yearning for a refreshing shower. As the warm water cascaded over him, his mind wandered back to the day that had changed his life.

He had been diligently working in his office when his assistant interrupted with news of a call from the Seattle police

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He had been diligently working in his office when his assistant interrupted with news of a call from the Seattle police. It had felt peculiar, yet he took the call.

The officer on the other end asked if he knew a woman named Isabella Morello

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The officer on the other end asked if he knew a woman named Isabella Morello. Dante acknowledged her as his stepsister, but they had drifted apart after her marriage to Alexander Morello, Livia's father. The officer delivered the devastating news of Isabella's passing and revealed that she had left behind a daughter. They inquired if Dante would be willing to take custody, as there were no remaining relatives. Otherwise, the child would be sent to a foster home.

Despite the years of separation, Dante still held a deep affection for Isabella and, without hesitation, agreed to take custody of her daughter. He informed the officer that it would take him two days to reach Seattle.

As the call ended, he couldn't shake the sadness that had settled within him. He promptly called his assistant to cancel his meetings and to arrange for his departure to Seattle for a week. Two days later, Dante stood at the church where Isabella's funeral ceremony was being held. The place was filled with mourners paying their respects. He encountered Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who warmly greeted him. Dante shared his connection with Isabella, and the Smiths reciprocated their condolences.

Dante inquired about Isabella's daughter, and the Smiths motioned toward a young girl sitting in the front row, accepting condolences from the attendees. With a heavy heart, Dante approached Livia and introduced himself as her step-uncle. Livia nodded silently, her eyes filled with grief, making her reluctance to speak quite evident.

After offering his condolences, Dante decided to keep a respectful distance from Livia, understanding that the loss was too fresh and profound for her to engage in conversation.

Following the funeral ceremony, Dante accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Smith to Isabella's home. There, he expressed his wish to take Livia with him to Paris. He felt a strong desire to have a conversation with her, to make her understand the changes that lay ahead. Mrs. Smith kindly led him to Livia's room.

Entering the room, Dante was struck by the cozy ambiance it exuded. The walls are adorned with awards and pictures of Livia with her family and picturesque landscapes. After a brief examination of the room, Dante sat down beside Livia and gently broached the subject. He explained that he was taking custody of her and offered to answer any questions she might have.

Their conversation was brief but meaningful. Livia, still overwhelmed with grief, silently agreed to accompany him to Paris. Dante left her room, leaving her to her thoughts and memories. After this poignant flashback, Dante dressed in comfortable pants and a sweatshirt. He left his room and headed to the dining table, eager to fill his growling stomach. As he sat down, he noticed that Livia was absent from the table. Concerned, he turned to Max, their servant, and inquired about her whereabouts.

Max informed him that Livia was sleeping, explaining her absence from the dinner table. Dante nodded in understanding and proceeded to eat his meal in solitude, all the while pondering the complex situation that had brought them together.

After finishing his meal, a lingering curiosity tugged at Dante. He couldn't help but wonder how Livia was doing, alone in a new and unfamiliar place. It felt strange and even a little intrusive to consider entering a young girl's room, but he found himself compelled to check on her. Quietly and with great care, Dante approached Livia's room and softly pushed the door open. Inside, he saw her peacefully asleep. Her features were delicate, and despite the sadness that had enveloped her, she looked serene in her slumber.

Unwilling to disturb her, Dante closed the door and retreated to his room

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Unwilling to disturb her, Dante closed the door and retreated to his room.

As he lay in bed, his mind wandered, and he couldn't help but think about Livia's beauty and the delicate situation they were both in. It felt inappropriate and wrong to entertain such thoughts, yet a soft smile played on Dante's lips as he drifted off to sleep, still pondering the unique circumstances that had brought them together.


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