Episode/Chapter 2 - Raven

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"Alpha Squad, welcome to Iraq!" Impulse cheered, "we finally made it! I'm starving! When's dinner? Well, it's almost midnight...so....when's breakfast?" Blue Beetle glared at him.

"We'll worry about food later, Hermano. We need to focus on the mission first." Blue said.

"Who's that?" Miss Martian asked as she pointed out of the S-Cycle at the ground. They all looked out and saw a mysterious figure in a dark purple cloak. It was wandering in the wilderness, and it looked confused.

"Doesn't look like a citizen from Iraq." Superboy said.

"They don't usually wear...purple, do they?" Beast Boy asked.

"Let's leave it until after the mission. If it's still here, we'll go out and talk to it." Blue decided.

"But he probably has food! Let's go back!" Impulse said.

"No! We're going to get our own! LATER!" Blue called back to him, making Impulse cross his arms and lean back in his seat, pouting his lips like a four-year old. Suddenly, Miss Martian cringed.

"What's wrong, sis?" Beast Boy asked.

"Nothing. It's just that...I felt...something's gone wrong with the other team..." Miss Martian answered as she held her head.

"Did the satellite not make into orbit?" Superboy asked.

"Jaime Reyes." Blue Beetle's scarab spoke to Blue in his head, "I know what has happened, and it wasn't the satellite. The Nightwing was caught in an explosion just a couple of hours ago. He was diagnosed to have a slight concussion, but has broken the rules and went out on a date with Artemis Crock." Blue's eyes grew wide.

"Blue, you all right?" Impulse asked.

"It...it was Nightwing?!" Blue asked out loud. A few of them gasped.

"Wait, how do you know?" Miss Martian asked.

"My Scarab told me." Blue said and pointed to the Scarab on his back, "The satellite made it, but in the process, Nightwing was caught in an explosion, and, apparently, he got a concussion. But he's fine now. So fine, in fact, he's out on a date with Artemis!" Blue explained. Everyone was shocked about both parts of the story: the fact that the Nightwing got a concussion and the fact that he was out on a date with Artemis. Miss Martian smiled to herself when she heard this. Suddenly, something blasted the S-Cycle, causing it to go out of control.

"Whoa! Guys, we might be in for a crash landing!" Blue warned as they all held on for dear life. A few seconds later, they crashed into the dusty wilderness of Iraq. Miss Martian groaned as she sat up. She looked around making sure everyone was okay. The S-Cycle capsized on the ground, but started turning back into a Sphere. Everyone else was fine. Then she sensed a familiar presence. She turned around to see a familiar face she hoped she would never have to see ever again. It was the evil telepath, Psimon.

>> Hello again, Martian. So nice to see you again. << Psimon said to her telepathically.

>> Honestly, my feelings are not mutual...fortunately. << Miss Martian answered.

>> Now, now. Don't get sassy with me, girl. I have a backup plan in place. << Psimon said as someone else appeared behind Psimon. As soon as Beast Boy laid eyes on her, he filled with rage.

"Queen Bee!!!" He yelled.

"Why hello, Garfield, my darling! How are we?" Queen Bee asked.

"I'm not your darling! And I'm going to feel better than I have been once I smash your body into a million pieces for what you did to my mom!! And I will! I promise!" Beast Boy yelled.

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