Episode/Chapter 6 - Newby Part 2

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"Artemis! There you are!" Megan said as she ran up to Artemis as Megan Morse and Supergirl behind her as Kara Kent at the Happy Harbor Mall.

"Sorry I'm late. Held up by Dick." Artemis smirked as she waved Dick's wallet in the air. Megan laughed and waved Conner's wallet and imitated her. Kara laughed along but then looked down at the ground.

"Who's Dick?" Kara asked. Megan looked at Kara, then to Artemis, who just slapped her face and looked to Kara.

"Nightwing." Artemis answered.

"Why do you have his wallet?" Kara asked.

"Because he's my boyfriend." Artemis answered.

"Oh, you all have boyfriends don't you?" Kara asked softly.

"I'm sorry?" Megan asked.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Kara replied. Megan and Artemis looked at each other, then shrugged.

"Shall we?" Artemis asked. They all nodded and walked into the mall. Suddenly, a group of six teens emerged from behind a set of bushes.

"Well, gang...this looks like a good place to start, don't you think?" One of the teens asked.

"Definitely...man, you were so smart to ever think of coming to the future to cause some mayhem!" Another teen said.

"I know. it's that one Starfire girl that gave me the idea, when we were eavesdropping one of their meetings, she was talking about going into the future...Now let's go, before someone gets suspicious." A female teen said. They all snickered quietly and ran into the mall.


"Ooh! I love this dress!" Kara shrieked as she looked at a neon knee-length dress.

"We can get that for you!" Megan giggled as she took out some money from Conner's wallet.

"Here, we can split it. I never got to use Dick's money yet!" Artemis laughed and took out some money from Dick's wallet, "man, this boy's already bankrupt!" They all laughed, until a loud alarm blared through the mall.

"What's that?!" Kara asked. They all looked around them in panic.

"The mall's going into lock-down." Megan said. Then they saw Kara's confused expression.

"That means that there's someone bad in the building." Artemis explained. They saw people running around in panic and fear.

"So what do we do?" Kara asked

"How we always handle bad guys." Artemis replied and took out her bow and her quiver full of green arrows and held her fighting outfit. Megan stared at her.

"How di-"

"Dick told me to take it just in case. He ran all the way outside to bring it to me...and for another kiss." Artemis said.

"Okay. Let's go." Megan said as she transformed into her Miss Martian form and Kara took off her civilian clothes already wearing her Supergirl outfit. By the time they finished, Artemis had already changed.

"Let's split up. Once someone finds something, tell us through the transmitter. There's no need for a psychic link if it's just a robber." M'gann said.

"Okay. Go." Artemis said and they all went different directions in the mall.


"Anything so far?" M'gann asked about five minutes later.

"No one. Just a few scared civilians that I had to direct to a safer place." Artemis said.

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