Episode/Chapter 17 - Code Red Part 2

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"Jason! Haven't seen you in a while! How's it been?" Roy asked as he fist-bumped Jason. 

"Same old same old." Jason replied. Then he turned to the rest of the group, "introductions?" 

"Right. This is Blue Beetle, Supergirl, Wonder Girl, and Artemis." Roy pointed out each person. 

"Aren't you going to introduce them?" Artemis asked as she gestured to the Bat Fam standing next to her. 

"Nah. I don't need to know them." Jason smirked. 

"Why?!" Jaime asked. 

"Yeah...about that..." Dick said as he scratched the back of his neck. 

"And what's with the helmet?" Cassie asked. 

"It hides my true identity. But since you all already know my name, might as well." Jason said as he took his helmet off. He had black hair with a white streak on his bangs. 

"If Jason is your real name, what's your...alter ego name?" Artemis asked. 

"I go by Red Hood. I don't understand how dark shades here cares so much about his secret ID." Jason said as he gestured towards Tim, who crossed his arms. 

"Uh, his name is Tim." Cassie said, putting her hands on her hips. 

"I know. We've known each other before any of you met him." Jason said. They all looked at Tim. 

"Really?!" Cassie asked. 

"Yeah. Same with Dick and Babs." Jason said. 

"You know their..." Kara muttered. 

"Yeah. Because I know them all behind those masks. Bats too." Jason said and they all looked at Batman. 

"How?" Artemis asked. Jason looked at Roy, who just shrugged. 

"Wait a second...you're one of the hologram memorials on the Watchtower...but...doesn't that mean...you're dead?!" 

"Hahahahaha! Aha, you're a smart one. But Roy and I got some catching up to do. Allow your Bat friends to explain me further if they wish." Jason said as he and Roy walked back into the cave. Then they all turned to the Bat and his three birds. 

"Okay, can you please explain?" Cassie asked. 

"Well, Jason was the second Robin. After me." Dick said. 

"And about five years after becoming Robin, he was killed by the Joker." Tim said. 

"But then...he came back. From the dead." Barbara said. 

"How?!" Jaime asked. 

"It was Ra's al Ghul. He saw something in Jason that told him that...he could become someone useful...but when he came back, he became something evil." Batman said. 

"Red Hood." Dick said, "he killed people, made deals with bad guys, and went against Batman." 

"Uh, if he did all that, why is he still here?!" Cassie asked. 

"Because some time after, we all realized that he's not all evil." Dick said, then he gestured towards Tim, "Tim here told us how he would invite Jason over to his place sometimes, and that he was nicer than we all thought." 

"He helps me with some missions. Of course he can be rude and stubborn, but we all know that that's not 100% him." Batman said. 

"So there isn't a whole lot about him that we should worry about." Tim said as they all walked back into the cave. Then they all saw Roy and Jason in the kitchen talking to Bart and Garfield. 

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