Episode/Chapter 9 - The Savage Six

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"Apparently, after our War World mission with Starfire, the League went there to take care of the Light. We told them who all was there when we were still there, and they said that three of the ones we listed were NOT accounted for." Nightwing said in the mission briefing room. Everyone looked around in confusion.

"Did they say who it was?" Robin asked. Nightwing nodded and pulled up three images.

"Klarion, Psimon, and Black Manta have all somehow disappeared." Nightwing said.

"So...our mission is basically to figure out where they went?" Mal asked.

"Right. Two squads. One squad will stay here and do some research. Once they've found the nearest most accurate location, then another squad will go there and take a look around." Nightwing said as he turned off the cave computer, "Alpha squad, doing the research and coordinating, is Batgirl, Robin, Mal, and Bumblebee. Batgirl, you're squad leader. Omega squad, going out to the location Alpha finds, is me, Blue Beetle, Supergirl, and Impulse." Nightwing finished.

"Okay, squad. Let's go." Batgirl said as her squad left. But before she left the room, she went up to Nightwing and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Hey. I never got to ask about the night before. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Thanks." Nightwing smiled.

"Okay...Dick. She did something really really terrible to you..."

"It was the kiss wasn't it? It's fine." Nightwing said, but she just bit her lip and stared at him, obviously telling him that that wasn't even the worst part. But before he could say anything, she ran off.


Five minutes later, Alpha Squad ran into the mission briefing room.

"We've got the location." Bumblebee said.

"Santa Prisca." Batgirl said, "we brought in Zatanna and she located some strange magic coming from that area."

"Good work Alpha. We're heading there right away. Let's go team." Nightwing said as his squad all got onto the Bioship.

"So, who is it we're looking for again?" Blue Beetle asked.

"We're looking for Klarion, Psimon, and Black Manta, the only three people unaccounted for at the War World Light summit. And if Zee had detected strange magic at Santa Prisca, then Klarion's probably doing some magic mayhem there." Nightwing said as he sat at the helm of the Bioship.

"We're gonna be fighting a magic user? Oh, so crash!" Impulse beamed.

"Um, not so crash if you get beaten by him, or worse, lose your speed because of a spell he could use against you." Blue said. Impulse's eyes opened wide in fear. He definitely didn't want to lose his speed.

"What are these three guys' powers?" Supergirl asked.

"Psimon is like Miss Martian. He can use his mind to do anything. He's really strong. Then Black Manta is strong too, but can shoot lasers, missiles, anything that explodes." Impulse explained.

"And then there's Klarion." Nightwing said, "like we said, he's a magic user like Zatanna. He's known as Klarion the Witch Boy or the Lord of Chaos. And the name's not just for fun. He can literally bring the chaos." Nightwing explained.

"Then we should be ready at all times." Supergirl said as the Bioship landed behind some shrubbery at Santa Prisca still in stealth mode, so no one can see it. Then they all got out and hid behind the bushes and tress and watched out cautiously. Then they saw Black Manta, Psimon, and Klarion at the center of the clearing. Klarion looked like he was forming some sort of portal.

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