Chapter 2

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"He doesn't want to give you the O.R." Simone, my new intern says while fear covers her eyes. She's only been here a couple of months and I already scare her to death. Bloody great.

"What do you mean he does not want to give me the O.R?" I viciously seethe.

This is not the morning to tolerate Grant's silly games.

I take a deep breath. No need to take it out on the intern, Scarlett! I try my best to not explode in their faces even when they drop a liver in the O.R. I was an intern once, I know how hard that stage of our lives is and the system is not that much help. So, I try my best to be patient and treat them well, but today, I don';t have time for that. Today I need to focus on Mia. My patient.

She's four years old and it is the third time I promised her a liver transplant and I won't break my promise this time. Everything is in order, the liver will be here in an hour. I got the best nurses in the hospital and the best transplant surgeon to assist me. I won't let her die, I can't.

Beautiful, strong Mia has been a fighter since birth. I know that because I was there. When her sweet mother gave birth to her and I, the intern watched and promised her that she would be okay. When her single mother came into the E.R everytime little Mia felt unwell. I was there through it all. I need this to work. I need her to live.

I walk past a speechless Simone and head to Grant's office. He's a peds surgeon too, who thinks he's god's gift to mankind. Ugh. I want to bash his head in that gold trophy he has in his office.

Everyone knows I am the best peds surgeon in the hospital, in the state, might even be one of the best in the world. Maybe, my ego is this huge and I am arrogant, or maybe, it is just a fact. I know my abilities and my talent. I might have taken my talents from my father, the legendary Dr.Moore, best neuro-sergoen in the world,but when I moved to the States, I built my own reputation in peds. I saved lives and done trails that will save even more lives.

I know how great I am and I won't let a man as disgusting as Grant take my most important surgery. I know in surgery many things can go wrong, nothing ever goes perfectly, but I am Dr. Scarlett Moore, I can make it damn near perfect today. I want it to go well for Mia. For her mother, Nicole.

"Grant." I open his door and he jumps up his chair, zipping up his pants. See...disgusting.

"You're giving me O.R 2."

"Well, Good morning to you too, Moore. How are you today?"

"You are assisting in a C-section. Take another O.R."

"No. And it is insulting that you think a C-section is not as important as...whatever you are doing today." I scoff. "Do you know how many women die from it? I have to do a great job, Moore. I can't let my patient die.Plus, talk to OB not me." What is wrong with that man? Playing it like that? Who does that?

"I know you chose this O.R. You will give me the O.R, or I'll go to the other Dr. Grant and tell her about room 154 where your intern faked an orgasm in or that necklace worth 5000 dollars you gifted her...what was her name? The woman you're still sleeping with even though she clearly isn't enjoying it..." I look up and try to look deep in thought. "Ah. Amanda. Dr. Ashly Grant would love to know what you are spending all your money on... or who."

His pale, white face is the best thing I saw today. He buttons his suit jacket, and rel;eases a frustrated breath.

"Fuck you, Scarlett."

I rarely smile. I only smile with my patients, Addison and dad, but I smile a treacherous smile just for the fear I saw in his eyes.

"I'll tell OB you're doing the CS in O.R 4."

I turn around and leave his office, shutting the door behind me.

Disgusting man. Ughh.

I head to my office and prepare for surgery. I change into my scrubs, and check my phone quickly.

Dancing Queen: Brunch tomorrow at our house, bring croissants from the bakery next to the hospital, please!!!

Dancing Queen: We have a surprise for you!!!!

Dancing Queen: OMG! I can't wait.

Addison is not a dry texter. I love that about her. She sends too many emojis and exclamation marks. I smile and send a quick reply conforming with her that I'll be there.

Dancing Queen: Oh! Joshua is coming.

Bloody Hell! I have to endure him to see them now? Really? My God!

Dancing Queen: And Joey of course. Bye! See you then!!!!Love you.

Well, at least, I'll see Jo the little angel.

But...I'll also see him. Fuck!

I leave my phone and head to Mia's room.

I shake off Addison;'s texts and focus on what is important. Mia.

Do good, Scarlett. Save her. 

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