Chapter 30

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I like these matches. I always like the friendly little challenges and fights we do with the other team and I like how the team never stops laughing and messing around during these games. I like the chats we have with referees before the game that makes us all laugh and let loose before starting.

I am excited to play today because not just JJ is here, Scarlett is here too.

Which reminds me to look for her. Where is she?

I go up to Addie's office and check if they both are there.

I see Davin getting out of a locker room and heading for the elevator.

"Hey Davin, do you know where Scarlett is?"

He smirks, "Your Fiancé?" His tone is irritating. I already know he will drag with out. "I might have seen her." Jerk.

"Where is she?" I grit.

"Tell me, Hawks. Does she-"

"For the last fucking time, where is my fiancé, asshole."

"Hello, Hawks."I turn around and see her. My eyes land on what she is wearing. Baggy jeans, Jersey. Aaron's Jersey. What the fuck. Gavin muffles a laugh and runs down the stairs. We pay him no further attention, we just stare at each other.

She's tutting, "Tu, tu, tu, If you had told me volleyball players look like this in their shorts, I would've come here sooner."

"Shut up." I grit.

Her smirky face falls and her stone cold one appears again, "What in the bloody hell did you just say to me?"

I march over to her and take her hand in mine. I go to the first locker room I find on this floor and lock the door behind us.

"What the-"

"Shut up." I grit again.

"Stop! I don't even like sports that have balls in them. I do not even like you. I bet your volleyball skills are as bad as your grisly personality. Stop telling me to shut up. Stop insulting me when I am suppose to be doing you a kind gesture by being-"

"You need to shut up and listen."

"What? No-"

I rip the jersey off her and shred it into pieces. I wish she was not wearing anything underneath it, but this is Scarlett, of course she did.

"Are you mad?"

"Yes!" I growl. "Do you want to give me a heart attack before my game, red? Is this your plan?"

"What are you even saying?"

My anger bubbles over until I can't hold it anymore.

I take off my jersey and dump it over her head. "You wear my name! I am your financé. Not Aaron. My jersey!"

"I do not want to wear your name. I do not even like you or your game. I am only here for JJ and addie and to secretly boo Diaz."

"I'm not kidding right now, Scarlett." I warn.

"You are taking this way too seriously." she rolls her eyes.

"The fuck I am." I push her against the wall and make her look into my eyes.

"You are mine. My financé." I say against her lips.

"No." She breathes.


"I am not yours. That referee might be though, she really seemed like she wanted to be yours." I smile against her lips. this is what all this is about. She's possessive just like me.

"You can have her. She is perfect."

"She is perfect, but she is not you."

She looks up to my eyes and I try to convince her to believe my words. I don't want to have anyone else. Just her. Only her.

"All you have to do is fight your body, fight how good this feels." I lower my hand until I reach her pussy over her jeans. I push my hand up and start fucking her over the thick material. It is not enough but it will torment her a bit now. She whimpers when I up the pressure. "Tell me to stop."

I pull my head back and take a look at her lustful face. I smile broadly and say, "That look on your face, tells me everything. Tell me you like this. You like me. You want me. You need me."

"Tell me to stop, red." I push my fingers against her jeans making them pressure her clit. "Ah! Do not stop." She moans and cries. Fuck.

I growl and pull my hands up.

I take a step back and smile at the mess in front of me.

She looks angry, passionate and lustful. I can see it in her eyes.

She's very close to snapping it all and taking me. I want her to do that. Need her to do that, in fact.

"I have a match to play."

I give her one last look and then leave the room.

I was this close to kissing her, ripping every piece of clothing she wore, not just that damn jersey and taking her in that locker room.

I need more than just that night at Dr. Williams house. I need more of Scarlett Moore and I'm afraid if I have more, I won't ever let her go.

If I never let her go, I will be sleeping with the monster, getting in bed with Satan everynight and destroying my own life. Because either we all both get out alive or we take each other down, but either way I won't let her keep me down. I won't let it happen for JJ. I won't.

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