Chapter 31

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He flew. Joshua was flying.

I watched Joshua's enormous body rise up in the air and hit that ball as if it were the best porn show on this Earth.

I felt myself drooling at some point, but I think I hid it well. I really hope no one saw me while I got lost in Joshua's muscles world. His thick legs, broad shoulders and that sweaty bundle of blonde hair on his head that he keeps brushing his long finger through.

I observed every move, every jump he took. He was marvelous. His shoots are strong and fast. He's smart and victorious. Every ball he shoots gains them a point directly and if not it will cause the other team's play disturbed. He is powerful and fun. Every one of his teammates seems to have the best time when they play next to him. He seems like the glue of this team.

Aaron is the captain and he is more on the serious side of things, but Joshua is way more...amusing.

I liked when he bit his lower lip before serving, I liked the way he stands when his coach whispers pointers to him. I liked how he smiled at JJ everytime he got a point. I liked it when he looked at me before every set of the game.

His eyes were a storm of foggy desire and heat. He liked me in his shirt. He liked his name on my back and his number at my front.

For the first time I have enjoyed a sport that is not skating. I liked all of it.


"Yes, angel?" We finished the game and are on our way to Aaron's and Addie's house. They invited us and the whole team for the special occasion. What special occasion you might ask? I do not know. Joshua did want to tell me.

"Can I come to the hospital tomorrow with you?"

I look at Joshua questioning her request. He does look at me, he just shrugs and keeps his eyes on the road.

"Sure, little one." She goes back to playing her game, and I take the opportunity to ask Joshua what was that about. "Why does she want to come to the hospital?" I whisper.

He gave me a quick look with those sleepy eyes of his and smirks, "She said she wanted to see how mommy fixes the dolls."

Dolls? Oh...

He smiles and whispers, "I think you have traumatized Nathan forever. You should be in jail."

"Joey would not let me go to jail, would she?"

He shrugs, "No." He looks at me again, "She'd make daddy bail her out."

He smiles at my dumbfounded face and goes back to looking at the road again.



I love the team. They all seem like giants who would eat you alive but in actuality they are the sweetest men alive.

We did not have to pretend to be engaged tonight because Joshua told his whole team about our deal, which made tonight even more enjoyable because they kept teasing Joshua about it.

JJ has been busy playing with Gavin's kids to hear us and I made sure they mostly stayed in any other room when they teased us about our fake engagement. I hate that I put Joshua and myself in a position like this with JJ and everyone else actually, but I think it is working.

I know it is, because everytime Grace or Ava come to see me at the hospital, I feel like I am inches closer to getting this chief job.

Addie stands up from her seat next to Aaron and excitedly says to Joshua, "I know you said you didn't want anything, but I just couldn't hold when I saw this cake. I promise it is not for you, but for JJ.I will be right back. Just give me a few minutes to prepare everything."

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