Chapter 27

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I have avoided getting groped today not once, not twice but three times.

The old filthy men were relentless, especially Dr. Parker. He did not give up.

I talked and talked and talked, and all they heard apparently was grab my arse, please.

I was talking about very important things I wanted to do as chief but all they were doing was staring at my breasts, which are not that visible from the suit. I do not know what they were even seeing.

Anyways, thank god for Dr. Martinez, he was standing with us and listening to every word I said. He asked me great questions which I answered perfectly and he told me my work shows great promise and he would like to discuss it further in the future, which partially means when you chief. We also bonded over the fact our hospitals are too invested in gossip and that he likes to keep things private, like I supposedly did.

Yessss!!!! I got him. And the two old men. They adore my breasts. And my arse.

Dr. Martinez and I then kept talking alone while the two oil men went to 'drain the dragon' Their words not mine, I swear.

"They are horrible. Dragons? Really."

I joined Dr. Martinez and laughed at their chosen words.

"I can not believe they said that."

"Oh, believe it. I've heard so much worse in some board meetings."

We laugh again, but then his face suddenly shifts into something else. He seems...uncomfortable.

"Are you alright?"

"Umm...yes." I look at where he is looking and find an angry Joshua at the other side of the room. Grinding his teeth and about to break the glass in his hands. My god. "He looks like he will shred off my head with a piece of broken glass. That is your..."

I muffle my laugh and turn to him. "Yes, My lovely Fiancé."

"Ah." He smiles again at me, "Well, he doesn't really seem that lovely, at least towards me, so I will go find my date before he arrives." Dr. Martinez literally bolts out of my sight.

I turn to look back at Joshua to find him right behind me.

"What the hell was that? You can not just scare one of my bosses!" I try to control my anger with this idiot, but I just can't. He is making this deal impossible. I need this to work, I need to have anything solid that proves I will have this job. I need him to play the role right, not get...jealous.

"This is not our deal. You can't get jealous and scare my boss away."

He finally lifts his eyes from Martinez and lowers them to mine. Stormy clouds are fighting with my soft green fields. Tension in the air thickens, heat blooms in my lower belly and I find myself almost wetting my lower lip. He looks down at my mouth encouraging me to slightly bite it too. I watch as his breathing escalates and his eyes light up like stormy skies fill with lighting.

He takes a step closer to me and lets his thumb caress the inside of my hand. I shiver all over and try to pull away, but he holds me still.

"I want to make something clear. No other man touches you, no other man even looks at you. I do not care who they are or what they do. If they get near you, if they take a smile from you that should only be for me, a laugh only for my ears, a look only for my eye, I will show you a side of me that is not so...smiley. A side of me that stopped coming out to play because I am a father now and I am a respectable financé. I am honoring our deal, but if you insult me by giving another man what is mine, you will make the messed up side of me come out and play."

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