Chapter 14

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Apparently all doctors have a split personality. Or atleast, the doctors I know. Addie is a completely different person when we are in her office. She is serious, professional and...tough. Addie with Aaron is sweet, likes to joke, and always laughing.

Scarlett Moore, Aka red, satan, pantsuit, wicked witch of the west, chuckie, Zombie Scarlet witch..etc. is the pain in my ass, the woman I hate and the plague that invaded my thoughts since the moment I met her. She is arrogant, egoistic, terrible, doesn't know how to take a joke or make one, I don't like I have ever heard her really laugh, she has scary light green eyes, unlike my little sweetheart forest green that I love, really Scarlett's eyes look like a cat's eyes in the dark. She is selfish, callous and cold-blooded. I don't think she even has a heart. However, Dr. Scarlett Moore has a fucking heart. A very very big heart and it is driving me crazy! How could a person completely change like that?

Is this a trait only doctors can master?

She was...gentle. Kind. She smiled. She sweet as...My god...she seemed sweeter than Addison is with that kid!

I saw a side of her that only got out with Addie and JJ, but it was more. It was different. It felt like she was doing something more, and not just her job.

It felt like she was praying to take Mike's place. Her pleading, sad eyes with her crossed eyes everytime she felt like she's going to lose him on that street tore me up. I have never seen someone try that hard to save a life. I have never seen someone be this...compassionate, tender and sweet-tempered.

She never lost control and kept talking with him, telling him how much his mom loved him and that she is proud. She told him he will be alright. She told him she was here and isn't going anywhere. It felt like she was saying the goodbye his mother wished she would've said to him.

It felt exactly like a mother's goodbye.

Yesterday, it messed with my head. I was about to see her as human and not the sea witch cursing all the mermaids, until she went ahead and slapped my face. She slapped me for comforting her.

It was my mistake to think she's human. She's cold-hearted, so of course she'd slap me for doing something nice. I'm an idiot.

I shake my head and finish showering. I just finished our first training this season and I am hopeful we will get another win. Last year I got MVP and we won the cup. It didn't feel like we'd win after all that happened with coach Dean, but we did it. The team deserved the win after all that hard work and everything we all went through with Dean.

At the end of this month we will start our games and we will be traveling. I want to make the most of this month with JJ because I might not be able to take her with me to every game.

Aaron and I used to leave her at his parents house, but this year we think we could leave her with Addiosn. However, after my agreement with Scarlett, I might change that. I don't want Joey to see Scarlett again after this month. I just hope she moves on from her phase.

When Scarlet told me about the deal, it actually sounded good, because I want to give Joey the best month before I get on the road. I wouldn't mind giving her what makes her happy, even if it's playing house with Scarlet Moore.

Joey hasn't stopped asking me when will we see mommy again and when will the wedding be. Everytime she asks I hate myself for lying to her, for getting her into Scarlett's messed up world.

I take a deep breath and get dressed.

My phone rings and it's an unknown caller. I normally don't answer them, but I don't know what makes me take it.

"Blondie!" her voice is chipper. This is bad.

"Bad morning, enemy." I smile through my phone a cheeky smile I hope she sees and makes her go crazy.

"I truly do not know who allowed you to become a parent, you are clearly a five year old yourself."

"Ha.Ha. What do you want, red."

"Blondie..."She warns. "Stop calling me that."

"Stop calling me, blondie."

"Hmm...No can do."

"Then I'll keep calling you red, chuckie."

"Ugh... I hate that one too." I chuckle. "Anyways. I need you tonight and Joey to accompany me to Dr. Lou's house tonight. All the board members will be there and their families."

"You can't summon me."

"Yes I can. This is the deal and I already called JJ, she was jumping up and down screaming into the phone from utter happiness."

"You can't call my daughter. How did you even get our numbers?" That was a dumb question. Aaron and Addie of course.

"You will pick me up at 6. Don't be late, and don't be on time, that is also late." Who talks like this?

"You might think you could get away with saying things like these, because of the British accent, but you can;t. It doesn't even sound that good. You sound like a weird character from British bouncers."

"Don't forget my flowers, open my door and try to act like a mature adult. Oh, and wear a suit. Don't come with those polo shirts you like so much." She is unbelievable.

"Pray for mercy when I see you." I didn't mean for it to come out that dirty but it did.

It seems to have surprised her, because she takes a second before replying, " We will discuss our story in the car to get it straight."

"Our story?"

"Yes, how we met, fell in love...blah..blah..blah." Oh shit.

"We'll do it in your house before we leave so Joey doesn't hear us. We'll come by at 5. Bye." I ended the call before waiting for her to say goodbye, and curse myself. This won't be fun.


I have a feeling this might not end well for me.

As long as it ends well for my daughter I can live with it.

Fuck, I'm in deep trouble.  

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