Chapter 9

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Aaron's laugh travels from my phone to the whole building. He hasn't stopped laughing since I called him.

"You're an asshole!" I whisper hiss to him because Joey is watching TV near me. I close the fridge and wait for him to finally stop laughing. He's enjoying this way too much.

"You know, this just proves my point of her being the worst woman walking our earth. She is crazy and just...dreadful."

"No." He giggles. Literally giggles, the bastard. "This just proves how big of an ass you were. She's in the right and you're wrong."

"How am I wrong? She's the one you committed a fucking crime!" It is so hard to shout while whispering, but I do it anyway so JJ doesn't hear this. I am just glad she didn't see what happened yesterday in the parking lot.

"Well, she saved your child from a bad coach, so you should know how it affects players, especially kids. Dean affects us and we are grown ass men." Well, he is right about that.

"Plus she gave you the number to the best figure skating coach in california. You shouted at her and told her to never talk to Joey again."

He sighs, "You're the ass."


He is right about that too. Scarlett sends Addie the name and number of the best coach in california. I tried to get JJ with her, but she said I was too late. Scarlett told her she is kind, cares about the kids and kids love her. She said coach Morovoz could seem scary at first, but she said most Russian coaches are like that. Scarlet says the kids win with her, she is trusted by the figure skating community, and she treats the kids well.

I should feel like an asshole, but I don't want to. She doesn't deserve it. She destroyed my windshield.


"I have to go."

"Fine, kiss JJ goodnight for us."

"Will do." I end the call and go to the TV room.

"Hey, little sweetheart." Joey has been giving me the silent treatment since my fight with Scarlett. I want to think she saw how Scarlett ws affected by the fight; she seems to know that I am in the wrong. However, I doubt Scarlett was that mad about it.

I think she wanted to do more than just destroy my car, maybe strangle me too, so that must be what Joey saw on Scarlett's face and thought she was upset.

"Daddy. Will we see mommy tomorrow?"

"What?" The phase of her calling Scarlett 'Mommy' is taking too much time to pass. It is...displeasing.

"You always say we have to do the right thing. You have to apologize, daddy. Mommy was mad at you yesterday. You could get her a present too."

This isn't happening. I can't believe this. My parenting is coming back to bite me in the ass. I really suck!

"Daddy, she was so nice after the other woman screamed at us, she even got me two scoops of ice cream." Fuck. Me not feeling like an asshole plan is not working.

"Fine, little sweetheart." I pick her up and kiss her cheeks. "We will go to the hospital where she works tomorrow and apologize."

"With a present?"

I chuckles and swallow the terrifying panic I am secretly having.

"Yes, JJ with a present."

"Yayy!!! Daddy, you are the best." she throws herself into my arms and lays her head on my shoulder. I sigh. I love her hugs, they are my blessing.

"Let's get you ready for bed."

I get her into the bathroom to brush her teeth and pee.

I keep racking my brain to find a way to get out of apologizing to freaking Winifred Sanderson tomorrow, but I don't find anything.

I should be happy that my daughter is well mannered and educated, but I curse myself for being a good dad, right now.

This just sucks. Sucks so much!

I can't believe I will apologize to this heathen tomorrow. I can already picture her smug face. Fuck!

I hate this.

I hate her. 

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