Chapter 25

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"Wake up! Wake up, Mommy!" JJ's voice rings through the whole building.

I spent the night in the penthouse. Joshua's penthouse. I watched him wake JJ up after Aaron left, tell her a bedtime story and kiss her goodnight. I watch JJ smile a sleepy smile at me and tell me she is happy I am here, and that I should sleep next to her. I did.

Until she drifted into sleep again and then I reluctantly went to the other room, where Joshua gave me some shampoo, conditioner and clothes. I showered and slept like a dead man from how exhausted I was.

I can not believe what he did last night. I can not believe what I did last night.

I almost got us killed, he could have flipped the car just by one wrong move. I lost control last night. My actions were not calculated or matriculated. I just acted on pure anger and lust. All the pent up temptations and dark desires I have kept locked deep inside me were about to come out, but then he sniffed them all away but leaving me in that garage drenching my pants.

I almost came just from the sound of him coming. I could have touched myself, gave myself release too but that was not my goal. I wanted to tutor him as much as he does me. I wanted to make him lose control too, but instead he gave me the hundred bucks and went up to kiss his daughter goodnight like nothing happened.

"Mommy! It is parents' day!" Today?

"You said you'd come, right?" Her tone is lowered and almost doubtful.

I opened one eye to take a look at her face. My god. "Little darling, I am going, please flip this frown upside down."

She finally smiles and starts to shake me again. "Then wake up! Wake up!"

I groan and look at the time. Buggers. It is so early. I don't have to be at the hospital today after what happened last night, and I really want to sleep.

"Come on, mommy. You are being lazy." I am, I really am.

"Angel," I grabbed the hundred bucks that Joshua gave me last night from my nightstand. "Take this and give me five more minutes to sleep." Did I just bribe a kid? Yes, I absolutely did.

"Okay mommy. I will be back in five minutes!" She holds her fingers up for me. She is the cutest. My mouth stretches upwards and I already feel lighter from waking up to her face.

"Alright, Little one."I yawn and flip my head on the other side, I really am tired though.


"Yes, JJ." I mumble.

"Can I put red lipstick like yours on?"

I flip my head again and look at her shy face. I fully smile up at her and ask, "Why do you want that?"

"To look like you. You are very beautiful, mommy." My smile turns brighter and my heart almost bursts from how big it is getting. This kid is everything, she really is. It makes me almost want to cry from how I love this with her, but also from how much guilt my heart is feeling right now. I feel hurt, pain, and guilt. I feel grief.

I sigh and make peace with the fact I am not getting those five minutes of extra sleep.

I sit up and grab my bag from the floor. I take out my lipstick and say, "Let's get ready."

She giggles, "Yayyy!"


"Hello, you must be Mr. Hawk's Fiancé. It is great to finally meet you. The whole school has heard so much about you."

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