Chapter 23

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I stare at the gun in her hand.

I had wished for death before, I'd always imagine if I were to die, it would have been 9 years ago.

I never thought that I would die here, in the parking lot of the hospital I work at, by a shot of a gun from a maniac.

I woke up in Joshua's arms, cuddled. We were cuddling. I have never cuddled with a man before. I felt...warm. We didn't sleep for long, but it felt like the best nap I had in my life.

I sneaked out of the room while he slept and tried to erase our cuddling from my memory.

I kept thinking about his confession to me. I have never wanted to see Joshua in another light, a better light. I did not know he was that...good. He raised his daughter by himself because he did not want her mother to be someone she is not. He wakes up everyday with a broken heart over his daughter not being able to have the mom she deserves just because he is selfless.

I hate him for making me rethink the way I see him. I hate him even more for comforting me. I hate him for being gentle. I hate how his body covered mine protectively. I hate that for the first time in my life I felt safe in somebody's arms. I hate him and I hate how he makes me feel everytime those gray storms collide with mine.

"Hey there." I said to Mia's mom when I reached their room.

"Hi, Dr.Moore." She insists on calling me Dr. Moore even though I told her it is Scarlett.

"I am just here to check her vitals. Make sure everything is fine."

"Okay. She just slept an hour ago, but I could wake her up."

"No, no need." I look over at Mia's monitors and check everything.

"I will be back, when she wakes up, but everything seems to be good. I will be back."

She releases a relieved sigh and says, "Thank you." I nod and wait for her to ask me whatever she wants to ask me. I have known this woman for years now, I know when she's trying to hold herself back.

"What? You could ask me anything."

"I know. I just wanted to say Congratulations." She says with a weak smile on her face.


"Your engagement."

What? "Oh...thank you. How did you know?"

"One of Mia's friends is a volleyball fan, he kept rambling about the hot 'chick' Joshua Hawks is marrying and when he showed us the article, we saw your picture." Bullock, there is an article!




I have not told my dad anything yet. Oh god.

"Oh, well. Thank you."

"I am happy for you, Dr. Moore."

I squeeze a smile and leave the room.


I am not prepared to do this call at all, but I have to.

I go to the parking lot, so I can lock myself in my car and have the longest call of my life.

I dial my dad's number and hold it to my ear while I reach the car.

"Hey, dad. I know it is late there. I just wanted to tell you I am getting married. I think you already saw the news, but I just wanted you to know that-"

"Turn around!" I freeze in front of my car.

I end my message, drop my hands to the side and turn around.

Bloodshot eyes, dirty hair and the sluttiest dress made in history.

She's holding a gun straight at me.

So here I am. One moment I'm getting congratulated and running to my car so I can get lectured by my dad like a little kid, the other standing at the end of a gun barrel.

"Raise your hands, bitch!" She takes an aggressive step closer to me, waving her gun at me.

"Okay. Alright!" I raise my hand and look into her daunting eyes.

"What is your name?"

"Shut up! You don't get my name!"

"What do you want?" I try to find a way to get closer to her, without alarming her and making her blow my brains out.

She starts crying hysterically, and pulling you by her hair with her other hand. "You took him away from me!"


"Joshua." Ohhhh! This is a crazy fan. Shit. I blame this on Joshua, I will definitely kill him after I get this over with.

"I did not."

"Yes you did! You bitch!"

"My name is Dr. Moore. Could you tell me your name?" She is sobbing now. My god, this is a bloody mess. She keeps her gun on me and glares at me threatening to pull the trigger.

"Tell me your name."

"Clair! I am Joshua's Love. You took him away! He loves me! He wants me! I should be his wife!!" She says it with such hate.

"You are nothing. Youdon't deserve him!" I take a step closer.

"We were happy until you came along and stole him!" Another step. I am close.

"You don't deserve Joey." Fuck, now I'm angry. "She is my daughter and we will have many more kids," Her voice starts to crack, "You took him away and you-" I take a fast step and grab her hand. I twist the gun out of her hand and throw it to the other side of the garage.

"You bitch!" She throws herself at me, taking me to the ground.

She dips her long nails in my chest so deeply that I feel the bloody coming out.

"Ahh." I groan in pain.

She tries to pull my hair and smacks my face next, but I don't give her a chance.

I kick her leg from underneath her and flip her over. I punch her face once hoping it will be enough for her to stay down.

It does not.

She tries to take me down again, but I grab her wrist and twist her until her cheeks are stuck to the ground. I dig my heel in her back earning a good, painful shriek from her.

"Listen carefully, Claire. You are sick. You are obsessed with someone who does even know you. He never met you and even if he did, he doesn't remember it. He is with me, he is mine. He fills my video and every inch of the fabric of my being with his love, want and desire. I fill his void too until we are sick of each other. You know who he sleeps next to? Me. Who he kisses and holds in his arms? Me. Do you know who he trusts with his daughter? Me. Do you know whose name he calls and moans when he comes? Me. Do you know who he thinks about and wants every second of the day? Me. You are nothing. You mean nothing to him. And most importantly, Joey is not your daughter, never was and never will be. I didn't take them from you. Clair because they were never yours. Only mine."

I pull her hair and smack her head on the ground hard.


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