Chapter 4

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Joshua Hawks.

Joshua Fucking Hawks.

Blond hair just like a bloody ken doll. Sharp cheekbones that could cut through glass and a bright smile that makes him look innocent and enchanting. But he's the devil in disguise.

Gray eyes that absorb you into another universe and deep, gruff voices that could scare any grown arse man.

He smiles and laughs with anyone he meets. He always has a kind thing to say to charm people and a joke to make him seem attractive and appealing. What a joke.

He is anything but innocent, enchanting, attractive or appealing. He is a 6 foot 6 beast who likes to play the role of prince charming. He is not attractive, he has muscles that I bet he doesn't know how to use and huge hands that will be as useless as the rest of his body parts.

His good boy, golden retriever energy act is nothing but smoke and mirrors. I see him for what he truly is. I saw it in the way his eyes send me daggers every time I enter a room. I saw it when he judged me without even knowing me. I knew him when he talked about me and assumed who I was without even talking to me more than two times.

I know who he is, because I know what he is looking for. He wants a perfect image. He wants someone quiet and dutiful beside him.I know that because I heard him say it. On the day I knew I would forever hate him.

I was going into the kitchen of Addison's house, when I heard them.

"Aaron, I don't want to see her."

"Joshua, what is wrong? She didn't do anything to you. It is the second time you saw Scar, give her a chance."

"No, she didn't. And I am not giving her shit. She is someone I want around my daughter. I know her type, Aaron. Only cares about herself. She hides it well, Aaron. But look at her! She isn't a good person just because she's Addison's friend."

"Stop. You're my brother, but I won't allow you to say these things about her." Aaron sighs. "What is really going on?"

"She is the kind of woman who only takes. I know the type, Aaron. I see her. She is so fake and deceitful. The only thing she is good at is causing trouble. I bet trouble follows her like her shadow. She's a fucking vampire who drains everyone around her until nothing is left."

"Joshua, you need to shut up and go take a breather. I don't know what's gotten in you. But she's not her."

"You don't know her. Anyways, just tell me before she comes here, so I can have an excuse to leave."

"Fuck, Joshua, look-"

I stopped listening after that. I went back out of the pool and joined Addison and JJ.

He hides behind this fake image full of sweet smiles and polite, funny jokes, but he is the devil in disguise. I know the type. I got burned before from a man like him. I don't know what made him like this, maybe he's born evil, but I know one thing, he is one of them. Those men who think women are theirs with no right whatsoever.

The only good thing about Joshua Hawks is his daughter. Joey is a little angel, who calls me mommy and softens my ice cold heart each time she does. That little, cheeky princess made me fall in love with her the moment I saw her. She's in a phase apparently, but as painful as it might be, I'll enjoy it while it lasts. 

The first time I saw her was at my house, when dumb and dumber used her to distract me, so Aaron could kidnap Addison.

They locked me in the house and when I called Joey 'Josephine'

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