Chapter 46

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I ring the doorbell and try to cool myself, but I am too angry. I have been so angry since I got back from camp and found my daughter with her.

I'm standing in front of her house, the house that I thought I will never set foot in again. I am waiting for the woman who broke my heart and destroyed my life with one stupid decision she made. I hate her. I hate her so much.

I was not going to hate her like that after that night, I didn't want to. But then JJ starts missing her, asking about her. Crying because I told her we won't see her today, or tomorrow, or the day after. I seemed like a jerk to my daughter because of this woman. I hate her so much it burns.

I ring again and again until she opens the door. It is the middle of the night and I know JJ is sleeping. I will take her from bed and drive away from this haunted house and never look back again. My god, I am so angry.

"Stop ringing!"

She opens the door and stands there in her nightgown. Just a red nightgown. Fuck. I let my eyes run up and down her body and curse myself for still wanting her. I see she has taken off the necklace with Connor's ring. It should make me happy, but all I could feel is anger.

"You took JJ."

"She wanted to sleep here."

"I did not allow-"

"I am sorry." She says. Her sleepy eyes opened up, staring right into my soul. Scarlett just apologized and actually sounded sincere. There must be a fucking catch,

I chuckle, "What does the dark lord master Scarlett Moore want from me now? Do you want my car? My house? The part of my dignity that is left after you chewed me and spit me out? What do you want now? Want me to make another deal with the devil?"

She takes a step back and swallows hard.

"I-" Her voice breaks. "I deserve that. I deserve you being mad, but I also deserve a chance to make it right. With JJ. I know we are...were already doomed from the beginning." Here she is gutting me again.

"Yeah, it started off a lie, Scar. No shit."

She sniffed and said, "I will fight every day for her. I will not give up. Not again." Pain stabs at my heart remembering what she told me. Her giving up. Fuck.

"I will be deserving of her, just allow me to be in her life. I will not waste this last chance."

We take a long moment of just staring at each other and then I move inside. I go upstairs, gather JJ's things and carry her on my shoulder.

When I go down, I find Scarlett still waiting at the door.

I walk over towards her and whisper, "Do not ever take her like that again. Do not come near us. Do me the favor my mother and father did for me, and leave. Do good on your word. Your deal is done, just get out of our lives."

I watch her face break and tear on the rims of her eyes.

She sniffs again and shakes her head, "I will always be there for her. I will not give up."

What about me? Is it that bad that I am jealous of her fight for JJ only?

I hold myself back and only offer her a scoff.

I leave and head for my car.

I hate her so much. I hate her for doing this. I hate her for still fighting. I hate her because she seems better now, better with herself. I hate how much she made me love her, need her, want her. I hate Scarlett Moore. I will forever.

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