Chapter 20

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I land gracefully from a triple Axel and enjoy the music in my ear.

I spin and turn with my eyes closed enjoying the cold breeze radiating off the ice. I don't want to think about last night. The whole day actually.

It was dreadful.

I felt...fear. I felt helpless. I kept thinking about not making it to JJ on time. I kept thinking how helpless I always feel when I want to be there and save...I am not thinking about this.

I won't.

I am a pediatrics surgeon, I save lives every day. I am not helpless.

I open my eyes and go for one last jump.

When I land and take off my airpods, I hear cheering.

JJ's cheering.

"Mommy you jumped so high!"

I smile at the little heartstopper and skate over the exit. "Little darling, what are you doing here, I thought we were going to rest from that little bump on your head."

"No, I made Coach Morovoz call daddy and let me come. I wanted to see you."

My heart can't take how happy it is getting.

The kid is controlling Morovoz too, that says a lot about how cute and smart JJ is. She can charm anyone, even scary Morovoz.

Speaking of which, she grunts next to JJ and gives me a sly smile. "Moore."

"Morovoz." I smirk back.

"How's JJ in training?"

"Good." He huffs. Wow, that is the best compliment you could get out of her.

I smile proudly down at JJ who is giving me heart eyes.

"Mind if I take JJ for spin before you guys start?"

"Yes." Ugh.

"Please, Coach." JJ's pleading, baby face is everyone's weakness. Morovoz will fold.

She gives me an annoyed look while sighing, then gives us a curt nod.


"Come here, angel." I pick her up and start spinning us around the rink. She giggles and holds on to me tightly.


I slow down. "Yes, JJ?"

"Did you and daddy fight last night?"

I almost landed on our faces. "What? How...What?"

"I have big ears mommy." She tucks her hands behind her ears and pushes them forward. I laugh and put her up on the rink's border.

"Little one, were you eavesdropping on us?"

"If e-ves-dropping is trying to listen with my ears to the door and then pretending to sleep when daddy got up the stairs, then yes."

This kid will be the end of me. I smile brightly and try to hold my laugh. This is a teaching moment. "Well, JJ. You shouldn't eavesdrop again, okay?"

"Yes, mommy." Her smile fades, but I tickle her until I see it again.

"And do not worry, we were not fighting. We were just...talking really loud."

"Were you kissing?" She teases.

She puckers her lips and makes kissing sounds. My god, this kid is trouble.

"Joey!" Morovoz 'shout interrupts us and I thank god for it.

First Lies Are Never ForgottenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon