Chapter 8

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I will kill her. I will snap her like a fucking twig. All I have been seeing since Jo called me is red. Anger and dark imagery of me ripping this woman to shreds.

"Who do you think you are?" My voice carries so much displeasure and fury that could make anyone flinch and run away, but she doesn't. Of Course she doesn't. She's Satan, she doesn't have any fears, because she is one of the most feared creatures in the world. She is terrible. I hate her so much.

She walks around the car, so Joey can't see us.

"Calm your arse down. Hawks."

"Shut up. I can't even look at you. I don't stand you. I only tolerate you! You can't just take my kid out of training. Don't ever do that again, don;t even talk to my kid."

For the first time in my life, I have done the impossible. Making Scarlett Moore laugh.

She's laughing. At me.

"Did I say something funny?"

"Yes, yes you did. Oh, bloody hell. How do you live with yourself, blondie? It must be tiring being this big of an arse everyday." She crosses her arms and smirks at me. The woman smirks at me like she just won something. She is awful.

"Are you really trying to be funny now, red?"

"Satan can have a sense of humor, can she not?"

My frustration is increasing by the second. I just want to take my kid away and never see her face vexing again. "Don't ever talk to my kid again." I warn.



She nods. "I will see her again, and I will be expecting an apology for how you shouted at me today and a thank you for saving your daughter from an abusive coach, who was just screaming at your daughter and her teammates. You will also thank me for knowing what happened between JJ and that Nathan kid. He told her she doesn't have a mother and called her a liar. You will also thank me for dropping your kid at Addies and Aaron's so you can fix your car."

I am too stunned to speak. I am rooted to the ground trying to process everything she just said, that it takes me time to react when she goes to my car behind us, removes her expensive heels and breaks my window. I tried to move to stop her, but it was too late. She broke my window, my windshield and carved an 'S' on my door with her keys.

She puts her shoe back on and walks to her car with a smile on her face.

The woman is crazy. She is. Scarlett Moore just committed a crime and I let her walk away. The woman broke my windows and I just stood there. She is insane. 

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