Chapter 19

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"Hi." The word barely comes out of my mouth from how long I have been holding my breath.

I tried to get out of training, I tried everything. I tried speeding it up, but I just could. When we finished a game plan, we would do another. I didn't know what to do when I got that call from her coach. All I was able to do was go to my contacts and call Scarlett. I don't know what drove me to do it, but I called her. I didn't even talk to Aaron or Addison first. I just found myself calling her to take care of my kid.

I kept begging myself to end the call before she picked up, but my fingers just couldn't move. I could've talked to Addison to find a way to leave, if she knew, she would've left everything and went. I could even get one of Aaron's cousins, but I only called Scarlett.

When she picked up I panicked and lied about Aaron's cousin being out of town and Addie and Aron being stuck with me. They were indeed, but we could've found a way to get Addie out.

I couldn't believe myself when I lied and asked her to go. I could believe that she dropped whatever she was doing and went to the rink. She just said 'I'm on my way' and she was really on her way. I can't believe that I am standing in front of this woman's house, trusting that she took good care of my kid.

"Hi." Her answer is heavy, but also relieved. She seems tired, I can see it in her eyes, but she is also almost smiling.

"Is she okay?"

"Yes." I finally breathe.

She invited me in...that is a first. "She is sleeping upstairs."

"That is good." I keep nodding and breathing. She is okay, Joshua. Breathe.

"She did not fall from a jump, she was just clumsy and tripped when removing her skates. She didn't even fall on the ice, she fell on the carpet." Scarlett's voice is calm and collected.

I laugh and shake my head at my daughter's clumsiness. "Yes, I can picture that. She can be this clumsy." I look back at Scarlett and find daggers being shot at me.

"Thank you." I try to sound genuine because I am, but she is making it hard with all the glaring.

"Addison and Aaron did not know. I bet that cousin did not know either."


"Why did you call me?"

You were the first person that came to mind. The first person my fingers searched on my phone. The first person trusted my daughter with. Fuck!

"Tell me why or just leave. I will drop her off tomorrow at your house before school."

"You have to stop doping that!" I don';t like the way she's looking at me and talking to me. She has to stop doing this.

"Stop doing what?"

"This." I take two steps forward and push her against the door. Her sharp, surprised gasp makes me more curious what other sound she would make every time I touched her or kissed her.

I lock our eyes together and squeeze her hands together behind her back. I stick my waist to her stomach and make her feel my hard cock.

"You are making me go crazy and I don't want to feel like this. Especially towards you. You are my every thought. My every breath is apparently for you now and how you look at me. If you don't look at me, I don't breathe. I have never been owned or consumed by anyone, but you do. You do and I didn't even have. I can't. I won't. I don't want to because I hate you. I hate everything about you. And I love my daughter, she is everything to me. For her sake I would do anything and everything, so I will fake this deal with you, but I will not have you. Because you don't even deserve all of this. This is just my body talking, reacting to whatever spell you have put on me. You make me go crazy and I hate you for it. I hate wanting to touch you, feel you. I hate you."

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