Chapter 21

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Aaron's family are the best people I have ever met in my life, after Addie's mom and my dad for sure.

I love their jokes and mocks. I love how they treat Joshua as a son. I love how they treat Joey, she is definitely the family's favorite.

"You have to come more often with Addie, scarlett. This has been a blast." Aaron's mom says while I help with the dishes

"I would love that." I say with a smile.

I turn slightly and look back at a glaring Joshua. He hasn;t said a word to me. Maybe about me, with a fake smile to keep up or act, but not a word directly to me. He didn't even mock me, banter with me. Nothing. Radio silence.

All I got from him are lingering stares all over my body causing it to heat up way too much, and angry glares when our eyes connect.

"I know this look." Abuela's voice rings through the kitchen.

"Excuse me?"

"The look of passion. Fire. Love." Oh shit.

"Well we are getting married. I think it wouldn't feel right if we didn't look at each other" Fuck me. Please god, let the ground beneath me open and swallow me. Now!

"Ah, but I see your kind of love. It is not just like the others. It is...infinite." Really, any minute now! "You don't just love each other. You burn for each other. You're each other's person. Family. Joshua needed that, after all he's been through. Joey also needed that. I am happy they have you, roja." Did she just call me red too?

"Don't worry about my mother, she loves to bless us with her opinion on every couple in the family.Sometimes, she can be too much with the description." I laugh it off with Aaron's dad and look over to Addie to come and save me, but bloody Aaron has his tongue down his throat in the hallway.

"Okay, dessert is ready, everyone, outside!"

We all go to the backyard where JJ and one of Aaron's nieces are playing together.

"We are remodeling the back, so sorry for the small amount of furniture here. Just get some chairs for Scarlett and Addie from inside, Aaron."

"No, it is okay. We don't mind." Joshua's deep voice rings from behind me and shakes my whole body. He takes my hand and pulls me to him.

I almost panic and start running away from him, but it is too late. Everyone is seated and I can see the warmth in their eyes at our and Addie and Aaron's display of affection or...PDA or whatever sitting in someone's lap is.

I try to squirm away, but Joshua whispers in my ear. "Sit." Just like that my body sits itself on his. His tone was...demanding but too low to scare me. It just...turned me one? Bloody hell.

I can't breathe. I can't even sit normally. I am too rigid and jiggling between his large thighs. He feels too big for me. He's too hard but also so comfortable. I resist the urge to relax into him, but he makes it impossible.

His hand snakes to my stomach and pushes me back into him.

"Joshua, do you have the remote?Which movie do you want to see first, guys?" Aaron's cousin asks, but his voice is a faint whisper over the drumming of my beating heart. I can't hear what anyone is saying anymore. Everyone is fading into the background and it is just me and him. Joshua's other hand starts tracing lines over my suit's jacket, and he adjusts us, so my back it to his chest. We sit quietly at the back while they try to find the bloody remote.

"Stop squirming." He hisses.

"Move the remote away from my back. It is bothering me." I can't believe I was able to form words.

"That is not the remote, sweetheart."

It takes me a second then realization hits me. Bullocks.

He takes my other hand and adjusts us again. Now my side is to his chest and my hand is behind my back. On his hard cock.

"You feel what you're doing to me." I almost gulped, but instead I try to focus back on JJ or Aron's cousin. No one is looking at us or wanting anything from us. They are all enjoying the movie and JJ is still playing. No one will save me from what he is doing.

"Don't look at them. Look. At. Me." His hushed tone is even deeper and harsher than his normal one. It sends shivers down my spine that forms a hot mess between my legs.

"Tell me you don't want me. Tell me you are as dry as a desert down there." I swear I hear my own gulp. "Tell me if I slide my fingers inside your drenched pussy you won't moan my name like a prayer. Tell me you don't want to fuck me, ride me, take me. Tell me you don't want me and I will never talk to you about this again."

My tongue can't form words, all I know I could do is scream. I want to scream, but I can not. I want to run away from here, from him. I can not.

"Scarlett..." He warns. "Speak."

I snap out of it as much as I can, and throw him the harshest words I can muster up.

"What did I tell you about your orders? Your wants. Your control. You do not have any over me. I don't care what you or your dick wants. I do not want you."

"Liar." His smile stretches too big for my own comfort.

"Get over yourself. I know you have many groupies, I am not one of them."

"I will ask you again." No.

He slides his hand down my spine and stops just above my ass. He pinches my ass cheek lightly and pulls me further in. I quieten a moan with a sharp intake of air that makes me almost choke on nothing. "Do you feel nothing?" He breathes in my scent and traces my temple with his lips.

"Do you feel nothing?" He repeats slowly.

His other hand squeezes my waist and he pushes his erection more against my back.

"Do you. Feel." He sighs against my head. "Nothing?"

I open my mouth to tell my biggest lie ever, but my phone rings. Oh, Thank you god!

"Saved by the bell, red." He lets me go and I run inside to grab it.

I don't look back at him, I already know he's smiling his cocky, cheesy smile, that hot bastard.

I take the call and every thought of Joshua, JJ and this whole night disappears.

Mia is back in the hospital.

Mia is back in the hospital.

Mia is back in the hospital.

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