Chapter 28

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Two is better than one.

I'm even more unsure of what I should be feeling today. So many things are happening that I can't control, and I don't know how to react to them. Why is this happening to me? What do these events imply for me? I don't feel anything right now, and it's as if I'm magnetized to my current position. My gaze remains fixed on the picture in front of me. What is Manang Roberta's connection to the girl I like? How is she related to her? Is it true that she's her grandmother?

"Z-Zendaya, dear. I'm getting worried about you. I've been talking to you for a while now. Can't you hear me?" I heard Professor Ansaldó's voice again when I snapped back to reality and realized that I had been staring at Manang Roberta's picture for quite some time.

"H-how did you b-become M-Manang R-Roberta's granddaughter?" I stammered as I looked directly at Professor Ansaldo. She gently held my hand to calm me down. Despite not seeing myself in front of the mirror, I could feel the tension throughout my body.

"Wait, how did you meet my grandmother? She hasn't been coming here, has she?" Professor Ansaldó asked, puzzled, as she returned the question to me.

"Can you please answer my question first?" I said with a hint of irritation in my voice. If she was confused, I was even more perplexed by the situation now.

"Why are you getting so frustrated? I can't understand you either! Can you please explain it to me, Zendaya?! I'm just as confused here." She replied in annoyance and raised her voice, which took me by surprise because even though she wasn't that angry yet, she was already quite intimidating.

"I—" I was about to speak when Vivienne suddenly arrived, standing outside Professor Ansaldó's room, wearing glasses and holding a book.

"What's happening? You're both so noisy! What are you arguing about at this hour?!" she retorted to both of us with irritation.

Neither Professor Ansaldo nor I responded. I noticed that Vivienne's gaze had fixed on me, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Now that you're here, there's something I need to tell you, Zendaya," Vivienne suddenly said to me, and her voice carried a serious tone, which made me even more nervous.

"What are you discussing at this hour, Vivienne?" Professor Ansaldó asked her in return.

"Nothing. Tungkol lang sa book," Vivienne replied in her usual voice. I glanced at the book she was holding—the one her father had given her. I became even more curious about what our conversation would be about.

However, I also didn't know how to politely excuse myself from Professor Ansaldo at the moment. I didn't want to leave without resolving things between us. But I wasn't sure if this was the right time for us to have a heart-to-heart conversation. She didn't want to answer my questions about her connection to Manang Roberta. I decided to turn to Vivienne for answers instead.

Echoes of Love, since 1898: A Love Transcending Time and RealityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon