Chapter Thirty Five (Edited)

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Authors Note; I've decided to do this chapter in Alec's point of view. Starting from when Olivia left the party.

~Family is the most important thing in life. I look at it this way: One day I'll be over in a hospital somewhere with four walls around me. And the only people who'll be with me will be my family.~


"Do you want Sylvester to accompany you?" I ask Olivia as I hold her coat, she put her arms in and she shakes her head. "I'm only going to the hospital Alec." She says giving me a stubborn look. "Just be careful." I sigh in defeat. "I will." She says kissing me, she hurries out the front door closing it behind her. I went back in to the garden, the party was in full motion. I noticed my Dad holding Chloe in his arms as he bragged to his friends, Jordan had taken Eli once again and my mom held Colton who by now was fast asleep. I scanned the garden looking for Jett, he was playing football with the other kids. I watched him as he played. The boy really did have potential, I'm surprised actually. Considering Ashton was his father. His name alone made my blood boil. Calm down Alec, you don't want to make a scene and scare all the kids. My wolf Ace says in a calming tone, I take a deep breath, I walk over to the cooler and I take out two cans of beer. I looked around the Garden and then I walked inside. "Luc." I call. No answer. I walk in to the kitchen. Luca was sat at the table. I put a can down in front of him and then I sit down opposite. "Wanna talk about it?" I ask him. "No point they've already gone." Luca says opening the can. "So you've got a daughter. Congratulations." I say. We clink our cans and then Luca takes a large swig. "There's no point downing your sorrows in a beer Luc. Come on let's go back outside. It's rivers birthday after all." I say. He smiles. "I know." He says. "Let's put this behind us for now and concentrate on Lil River today." I say standing up. Luca stands up. "How much did you give her?" I ask. "Don't worry." Luca says. "It's made you short though hasn't it?" I ask. He slowly nods his head. "Wait here." I say as I walk in to my office and over to the safe that was under my desk. I type the pin in and the door automatically opens. There wasn't even that much money inside it was mostly paperwork, I kept everything I earned on my card. I pull out two pretty large stacks then I close it. I walk back in to kitchen and I hand them to Luca. "I'll pay you back." He says. "Don't worry about it Luc." I say smiling. We quickly 'bro hug' and then we head back in to the garden. Jett runs towards us. "Alec do you wanna play?" Jett asks as he holds the ball in his hands. "No, it'll be unfair if I beat you guys then you'll cry." Alec says. "You won't beat us. You guys are old." Jett says in a challenging tone, the kid had guts. I noticed he always loved a challenge, even when we were training. Perfect Alpha material. "Fine, Game on." I say with a smirk, Jett mirrors my smirk and nods his head, he throws the ball on to the pitch and we begin playing the game.

"I told you. You wasn't going to win!" Jett chimes as he victory dances next to me. "I let you win." I huff. "Whatever, just wait until I tell mommy." Jett says excitedly looking around. "Where is she?" He asks me. "Just gone to the hospital to check on grandpa." I say lifting him up on to my shoulders. Jett smiles. "This party is great Alec." My dad says walking over with Chloe resting in one of his arms, Chloe had her fist in her mouth and she sucked on her chubby knuckles, there was drool everywhere. My dad chuckles as he beams down at her. I put Jett on the floor, he runs off once "Son you do know I'm proud of you right?" My dad says. "Oh dad, not today." I say sighing as I sense the speech coming on. "No Alec, I am, you have really turned yourself around, you've become a great father, to all of these beauties, including little Jett." My dad says with a proud smile, I smile sheepishly. "I think old age has turned you soft pops." I say chuckling. My dad joins my laughter. "Never!" My dad exclaims causing Chloe to jump in fright. "Sorry." He says looking at her kissing her cheek. He looks me. "I could never go soft son, Nor am I old." My dad says laughing. I join his laughter. "Whatever." I say with a shrug.

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