Chapter One (Edited)

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~ I gave him my heart, and he took and pinched it to death; and flung it back to me. People feel with their hearts, and since he has destroyed mine, I have no power to feel for him. I was Rejected. ~

*Three years ago.*

We laid in the bed sweating and panting. I looked over at Ashton his eyes were dark with lust. Suddenly he jumped up and he started getting dressed. "Where are you going?" I asked sitting up. "Back to the party." he says bluntly. "Bu-" I say quickly to be interrupted by him "But nothing this didn't mean nothing to me. This was a one off. You are nothing to me. I Ashton Reynolds reject you Olivia Carter as my mate. In this life and the next. I would never take you as a mate let a lone future Luna." He says his tone filled with venom. I stood still as he rushed out of the bedroom leaving the door wide open. I quickly close it. I couldn't bear to go back to the party so I left not saying a word to anyone. I quickly got in my car and drove back home. 

"But where will you go" My mom cried as I dragged my heavy suitcase down the drive. "Nana's I spoke to her a while ago" I say refusing to cry. "For how long?" My mom asks. "Until my head is clear" I say loading it into the cab. "Bye mom" I say kissing her cheek. "Bye Jordan and Kass" I say to my little brother and sister. "I'm gonna miss you Liv" my 15 year old brother says hugging me. "Me too" I say sighing. "Bye Liv" My 13 year old sister says wiping a few tears from her face. "Say bye to dad for me." I say. My mom begins to sob. I stand at the taxi door staring at them as they cried. I fought the urge to just run over to my mom and tell her everything will be okay. But I knew it wasn't. The taxi man beeps indicating he wanted me to hurry up and get in. I clamber in slamming the door behind me. "Where to?" The cab man asks. "The airport" I say as I stare into the evening sky, with that he pulls off. I watched as my mom ran in to the road crying emotionally. Jordan and Kassie hugged her as she sobbed and screamed calling my name.

Present Day

It's been almost three years since Olivia left She's 18 and has had to grow up pretty fast because she realised her life after Ashton Reynolds will never be the same again.

"Come on Jett we're gonna be late!" I shout from the bottom of the stairs. I pull my coat off of the hook and I shrug it on. "I coming mommy." My little boy shouts back running towards the stair case. My little boy Jett Carter, is 2, he walks and talks he's is very advanced for his age. A smart kid. He looks a lot like his Father, Ashton. Jett has electric blue eyes and his sandy blonde/brown curly hair, he has deep dimples in each of his cheeks and a beautiful smile to match his beautiful face. Jett stands at the top of the stairs and then he sits on his bottom sliding down them one-by-one until he got to the last step. Jett stood in front of me while I quickly ran my fingers through his curls. "Ow" he huffs stamping his foot. "Stop whining Jett" I say, I quickly use one of my hair clips to stop his hair getting in his eyes. I put his trainers and his coat on. "Dont forget Max" I say to Jett who was skipping towards the front door. "Max in my bag." he smiles. I walked over to his small suitcase and opened it. His tiny clothes were folded up neatly and ontop of them was his favourite teddy Max, next to Max was Jett's favourite blanket. This is the furthest Jett is gonna be from the place he called home. I took his blanket out and folded it neatly. I put it in to my handbag. I knew Jett would need it to help him fall asleep. If he didn't I definitely would.

The clock showed 10:30 when we arrived. Jett took my hand holding it tightly as we left the airport. A man stood outside beside a taxi holding a sign that said 'Carters' written on it. I walked towards him, he smiled and opened the back door for me. I put Jett in and on to the seat. I closed the door and began helping the driver put our luggage in the trunk. I peeped over to check on Jett. I noticed his small head start to bob slowly he was starting to fall asleep. "I'll finish off, you get in the taxi ma'am." The taxi driver says to me with a smile. "Thank you" I say, quickly I grab Jett's blanket out of my hand bag and I climb in next to him. I pull his tiny frame into a cuddle and I hand him his blanket. "Thank you mommy." He yawns then he snuggles it tightly. A few minutes later the taxi man was in the front seat and he happily started the engine "Same place?" He asks "Yeah" I say and with that he nods driving off.

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