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I met a girl
Some would say it's fate
Bumping into each other when we did
Our hearts bruised
Clinging onto any spare ounce of kindness that can be spared
Her big, stormy eyes locked onto mine
Butterflies swirling around my stomach
A graceful dance within me
We spent hours talking
Shoulder to shoulder in her car
Our eyes focused out the windshield
Spilling every private, embarrassing memory
Debating the ways the world has gone wrong
Giving each other hope that it will get better
I never thought I'd meet someone like her
Someone so...
Someone who can make me speechless without uttering a single word
All it takes it a smile, a brush of your hand, a glance
And I'm memorizing the hills and valleys of your face
How could someone so bright and perfect have the same history as me?
How could a smile always grace her lips even when she hid the pain beneath peeling, flaking wallpaper
Adorably loud laughs tumbling out of her
Her shoulders shake, hunching over, hiding her face
It all happened so fast
In a matter of 2 days, a little over 12 hours
Maybe that's what happens when broken souls find each other
They hold on for dear life
Needing an anchor
A stable hand
I just wish we could have been more than just midnight drives

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