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I have left you, I have moved on so long ago, I’ve left you in the past, nothing but a blurry memory I can hardly retrieve, but why do I still see you?
Why do you still show up when I least expect it?
A silhouette against the backdrop of my world
A ghost haunting every step I take
I feel you in every song, we used to scream at the top of our lungs as we drove down the back roads, the windows down, and your hand on my thigh
I moved every song to one album, hiding it away, finding a new taste in music
In every place that I once took you, our hands swinging between us as we wandered
I see you in the places you and I once explored, the places I came to adore
I wandered some more, finding a new world, one that you haven't seen
You've tainted me
Seeped into my very being
Trapping me forever
A love never meant to be
I want to let you go,
I thought I had
But you've stained my soul
You broke me
But no matter how many times I put it back together, you still bleed from the cracks
I hate you
For the stain you've left of my heart

My Head's Above WaterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora