Better With You

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Their lives are better with you in it
I know, it's hard to believe, right?
That someone would care if you were gone, smoke in the wind, a rainy day, a sunset, the sun or the moon
Well, I guess you know they'd care, but you believe it's only for a short while
I have watched brothers and sisters lose all hope and spiral until they learn the cold truth
Rock bottom does infact have a basement and another after that
Their other half, their idols suddenly gone, leaving the earth quaking
Their guilt eating away at them
I should have noticed
I should have told them I loved them more
I have seen parents fight battle after battle
Leaving bloody claw marks in arms and faces
Shredding them to nothing
Tearing apart homes, not being able to bear looking at the other half of the person that raised their child
Blaming the other, a pointless game
You did this
You did that
I have seen partners lose everything
Their life no longer having purpose without their person
No direction in life, not with how the plans have to change
The weight of their world crumbling comes down on them like the collapsing of ruins
I've seen friends find their peace with the Earth
Following their friends' footsteps
Not being able to keep their feet on the ground without their rock
Their faces plastered on walls of schools and churches
News coverage linking the two
You are not selfish
There is no shaming here
Just remember
You are so much more than your fuzzy thoughts that come down upon you like lighting
Your people love you more than your demons could ever let you imagine
They would care
They love you

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