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Pet names have always been one of my favorite little things about being in a relationship. Using a classic one or coming up with one that matches your person perfectly. I used to call him so many things, baby, pumpkin, darling, little one, and so many more, but there was always one that I secretly loved more than the others. Mi Amore. My love was far too overrated. And mi amore has always sounded sweeter coming from my tongue when you kissed the words from my lips.

Looking back, he truly was the most perfect person to me. Well, behind the rose colored glasses. The red flags suddenly don't seem so bright. Letting myself fall into denial, letting myself believe he hung the stars. He could never do wrong.

I just wish he wouldn't have proved me right. Time and time again. I forgave him. Every time. Even still, he is the most beautiful man I have yet to come across. But, I've taken off the shield, and I see him for what he really is.

He was never perfect. Quite the opposite. He was flawed and broken and messy. Not unlike everyone else. But, he chose to turn that against me. He was my love, my baby, my darling, mi amore.

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