Drug Of Choice

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I grind you down

Fill my bowl

Flick my lighter

Breathe you in
My eyes red as tears drag down my cheeks, reflecting us
Butterflies swarm to my stomach at every notification, hoping it's you
Giggles force their way out as I remember the good times
Paranoia clogging my throat, what if you don't remember?

I pour you into my cup

Throw you back
You burn as I swallow you down
My shaking hands still reaching for you
Stumbling feet trying to find you
My words slurring as I call out your name

I pop your lid

Grab a few

Washing you down
My heart racing as our memories flash behind my eye lids
My mouth long dry from all the begging for you
Every meal coming back up moments later
My mind running far too fast to sleep a wink

I pick a strip
Lay you on the tip of my tongue
Seeing you at every turn even as you sit peacefully hundreds of miles away
My pupils betraying me, showing my love for you to the world
My cheeks flush with embarrassment
My stomach churning, I hope no one notices

I crush you up

Sniff a line of you
The past flashing impossibly fast through my mind
Jittery and unable to sit still with you just feet away
Euphoria pulsing through me as I pull you to me
Trembling arms as I hold you close

You are my own personal drug
My one of a kind addiction

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