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I am beautiful
Or are you?
Tears fill the sink below me
I am kind!
Do you truly believe that?
The words spit like poison through my grinding teeth
Oh, come on now, we both know that isn't true!
Words that should come in soft whispers with loving eyes are screamed in panic as though the world's imploded, with tear filled eyes that glare back at themselves
Words so lovely, meant to mend the aching broken heart that thuds pitifully behind my ribcage, breaks my spirit
Hey, hey, hey
His sweet voice coaxes me out of the trance of rage and self hate
He pulls my shaking hands to his lips, leaving butterfly kisses along each knuckle
Look at yourself, baby
My stormy gray eyes open and flick to him
I cave
My eyes slide over the cold, silver surface
You are beautiful
A deep breath, a pause
I am beautiful
My voice shaking
I have to believe it
You are kind
A soft smile brightening my eyes
I am kind
I will learn to be kind
You are deserving
He praises
A big goofy grin plastered on his face
A matching one magically appearing on mine
I am deserving
He makes the words feel true

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