Season 3: Episodes 20 & 21

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Episodes 19, 20, & 21 are special episodes. Episode 19 didn't have any dances, but 20 and 21 do; however, they are dances that have already been shown. Children With Guns was the group dance of Episode 20 and Asia Danced Ready For War in Episode 21, but since they were recently competed, I won't include it. Also, Chloe danced What About Mother, but I couldn't find the Special version of it.

The Animals Know (Special) - 11/10


Everything was the same, but she had more faces.

Breaking Down Walls (Special) - 8/10


I feel like she was rushing and she slipped at the beginning.

Cathedral (Special) - 7/10


I didn't like the music, but I liked the costume. Also, Holly looked so proud. She was smiling from ear to ear.

Rosa Parks (Special) - 7/10

Brooke, Chloe, Kendall, Maddie, Nia, & Paige

Everything was the same except Brooke remembered the ending, but she accidentally kicked Nia.

Superstar (Special) - 12/10


I could watch her dance for forever!

Lemonade (Special) - 12/10


This solo just shows how much she grows through the weeks.

Look At Me Now (Special) - 6/10


She didn't have as much energy or as many faces as when she competed it.

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