Season 4: Episodes 22, 23, & 24

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In Episode 22, the Select Team has the week off, so they will not be competing, but the CADC will be competing. The Select Team also has Episodes 23 & 24 off.

Broken Dolls - 10/10

Chloe, Kendall, Mackenzie, Maddie, Nia, & Sarah H

Besides Chloe's fall, the dance was perfect and should have come in first even with her fall.

That Girl's Just Gotta Be Kissed - 9/10

Gino & Maddie

The music wasn't great, but I liked their costumes. I hated that Abby had Maddie use her first kiss on this dance. Abby should have listened to Maddie about being uncomfortable with it. However, Maddie never should have reacted that way. I felt terrible for Gino when she ran out of the room gagging and making a huge deal about having to kiss HIM.

Conspiracy - 3/10

Alyssa, Evan, Gavin, Lucas, & McKenzie

If I hadn't been told what this dance was about, I wouldn't have known that it was about the disappearance of the Malaysia 370 flight. I didn't like the costume or the music, but the choreography was stunning.

Stars Align - 7/10

Alyssa & Evan

The music was bad and so was Evan's costume, but the lifts and Alyssa's costume were everything!

Gypsies, Tramps, & Thieves - 11/10

Chloe, Kendall, Mackenzie, Maddie, & Nia

Kendall made a great lead. I loved the costumes and the music.

I Should've Known - 9/10


There was something off with this dance. I liked the costume and the music though.

Not Just Another Pretty Face - 11/10


I love the costume and the music.

Underdog - 10/10


Abby, when has Nia not used her face? She's one of the best when it comes to using her face!

Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself - 12/10

Chloe, Jade, Kendall, Maddie, & Nia

It was stunning. I don't know how they didn't beat Studio Bleu. The costumes were beautiful and the music was good.

They Don't Want My Kind Around Here - 11/10


i love Chloe's dark solos! She does so well on them.

Far East - 11/10


I loved everything about it. I didn't like that it was a little racist, but there's nothing anyone except Abby could say or do about that.

Lost In Oneself - 5/10

Bella, Caitlyn Hutcheson, Kaeli, Kate Day, Kendall Dorman, Lauren Hathaway, Marissa Stark, Sarah Hall, & Tori Cullo

It was so boring. It was good but boring.

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